Can I still have surgery?

I have gained 20 pounds since my consult on May 8. Will my doctor still do the surgery, or will I have to lose it first?    — cbuchanan (posted on June 25, 2003)

June 25, 2003
I think your doctor will have to answer that one... there seem to be as many approaches as there are surgeons... good luck!
   — Tim W.

June 25, 2003
If you scroll down on the past three hundred questions you will see that this was asked in the past day or so. Altho, like the other poster said, it depends entirely on your surgeon, the majority of posters said that their surgeons will and have cancelled surgeries because of wt. gain. A really fast weigh to lose that twenty pounds is the adtkins diet. Good luck.
   — Delores S.

June 26, 2003
I agree that it depends on your surgeon. I remember being cautioned to try to not gain weight before surgery, but never threatened with cancellation if I did. I remember the surgeon's coordinator telling me they had had some people "gain as much as 30 lbs before surgery." I think I only gained 2 lbs between my final consultation adn my surgery.
   — koogy

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