My Problem is.. I haven't had a problem yet!!

I am 11 days post op. When my doctor sent me home from the hospital, he gave me a list of things I can/cannot eat. I didn't have a clear liquid diet, and I could have soft foods, and full foods pureed. I have mostly done a clear liquid diet, and have not pushed the limit, but I still haven't run into pain, dumping, anything. And in the hospital, the day before I went home they gave me yogurt that wasn't even sugar/fat free and I didn't dump. My only problem is I haven't found a protein suppliment that I liked. I know you're all gonna tell me to relax, but I'm nervous about not having some kinda problems! Besides my incision giving me a little pain now and then I feel super. what's wrong with me? lmao.    — Michelle J. (posted on October 24, 2003)

October 24, 2003
I didn't have any dumping problems either... until I started my solid food at 6 weeks out. I was so worried the first 6 weeks after surgery that I didn't push it, now I'm dealing with learning what foods are good sources of protein, low-fat, and not loaded with sugar. Your tummy's different now and the things you could tolerate might not be the same anymore. This is when I would dump. Only twice in 6 weeks, so I'm excited about that. Count your blessings, I hope it continues for you. As for the protein drinks, I haven't found one that I like either. On the main page there is a nutritional section you can click on where people are giving their recommendations, that may help you. Best of luck to you!!
   — bloom

October 24, 2003
Congratulations on a problem free recovery! I'm hoping for the same when I start my journey on Nov. 10th! Although I am a pre-op, can I suggest that you try the fruit flavored clear protein 'drinks', not shakes? GNC sells them, refrigerated, I think one is called Nitro...tastes like fruit punch crystal lite, but a tad too sweet...even though they are sugar free. I usually cut mine by adding water until it tastes good to me. The other thing I have discovered is NECTAR, a fruit flavored protein mix, comes in flavors like apple, tropical cooler and berry, very tasty, not chalky, mixes easily with water, and sugar free also. I order mine from I have tried several styles of protein drinks, and sometimes the thicker ones just do me in. Good luck!
   — track

October 25, 2003
No problems? Then what's the problem? That's a good thing. I've never had a problem with dumping at all. I'm 18 months post opp. Count yourself lucky! Good luck and congratulations.
   — Sarah K.

October 25, 2003
I am glad to know I am not the only one who has been problem free, I am only one month out and I can eat anything I never vomit, even if I eat too quickly! I might feel funny but nothing happens. I thought this all was unusual but I guess not. I already can eat meat and anything else I want to, except sugar which I did on And depending on the food it doesn't really take me all that long to eat it, but I chew as well as I can & try to pay special attention to it!
   — Saxbyd

October 25, 2003
Hon, relax and be thankful. I didn't have any problems either and I have had a ball since my surgery. I did develop a small problem about 6 months out and had to have an endoscopy and some IV fluids and I had hernias but I got a tummy tuck out of that. I didn't find a protein supplement I could stomach til I was over two months post-op and my surgeon told me not to worry about it. I ate a lot of tuna and salmon and did the best I could. You won't have a problem with protein deficiency this early out. Try to relax and enjoy the ride. You probably won't dump til you are further out and getting a little more adventuresome with foods. I dumped the first time from soup I got in a restaurant - it had sugar in it and I didn't know it. And, there is no such thing as sugar free yogurt - it all has milk sugar (lactose) in it. Bule Bunny makes a no sugar added and the only sugar in it is from the milk and the fruit AND - it's yummy. There is absolutely noting wrong with you.
   — Patty_Butler

October 25, 2003
I never did do protein suppliments. I ate lots of deli meats and cheeses and STEAK. I had extremely high protein levels. In fact my doctor (not the surgeon) took one look at my blood protein levels and said, "Come off the protein suppliments NOW!". I was'nt on any! lol. I showed the results to my surgeon and he was VERY pleased. So it can be done. Eat meats and cheese and go "very light" on the carbs and you won't need the protein sups that taste like sh** (and are sh**) in my opinion. :)
   — Danmark

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