Is Aspertame as good to use after surgery as Splenda considering the insulin issue?

Hi, I have been on the Atkin's diet for a couple of months now getting ready for surgery and aspertame is not recommended due to the way it reacts to insulin the same as sugar(or something like that) but Splenda doesn't. So, I've noticed that alot of posters use Crystal Lite and other drinks and foods also that contain aspertame. Is it okay to use it on the diet I will be on after my surgery? It seems like all that I have heard about the after surgery diet and the Atkin's diet have alot in common.Can someone PLEASE straighten me out on this? Thanks    — Connie O. (posted on November 7, 2003)

November 7, 2003
Hi Connie. This issue is up for a lot of controversy, but I have tried to stay away from aspartame as much as possible because of what i know (from two years of atkins dieting too) and from what my surgeon told me. Aspartame spikes insulin which stores fat and spikes the appetite. Your appetite won't be a big issue the first 4-6 months, but after that, it certainly will. I was warned to stay away from it as much as possible.
   — Happy I.

November 7, 2003
I personally am staying as far away from aspartame as possible. I recently read an article about it that said a number of people have developed neurological complications from using it, and had symptoms similar to Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, and some other real "baddies". Nothing I want to experience! Another article said that aspartame beings breaking down at 86 degrees (and body temperature is 98 degrees!). First it breaks down into formaldehyde, and if THAT isn;t bad enough, the formaldehyde then breaks down into formic acid (that's what fire ants "sting" you with). I't Splenda for me, all the way!
   — MsBatt

November 7, 2003
The aspartame - MS link is an urban legend. even the national MS Society debunks this Aspartame had been tested for over 20 years, and has had a lot more studies and tests than splenda has had. I am all for more sweetener options. To me I currently use and like Aspartame and Ace-K, but scarrarine and splenda taste horrible to me. -- Now there is a new one, Tagatose, which I haven't tried yet.
   — Patricia T.

November 7, 2003
Many people (anecdotal only), beleieve aspartemane causes mental confusion and stopping it got them back on track. I am one of those believers. That said, most people who quite aspartamane also quit diet soda, so the question is, was is it the cola or the aspartamane. I love splenda and have switched from diet coke to Ice tea with splenda. Love that cafein.
   — faybay

November 7, 2003
I don't for for Aspartame and only use Splenda... reasons don't matter. But this might help if you want something good to drink ;) <br><br> I buy the "normal" Kool-Aid since it comes in about a million flavors. Then I mix spenda with it, instead of sugar. It is wonderful! I was getting pretty tired of iced tea all the time...
   — kultgirl

November 7, 2003
My surgeon recommends Crystal I'm guessing he doesn't consider the Aspertame (sp?) content an issue.
   — Renee B.

November 7, 2003
For most people, there is nothing wrong with aspertame. It's been widely used and widely tested for more than two decades. If it were dangerous, it would be proven by now. It is made of natural ingredients, not chemicals, and should not be a problem. I don't know if it breaks down into formaldehyde or not, but many foods break down into things we would not eat. For example one of the by-products of fat breakdown is acetone--yep, nail polish remover. That doesn't stop us from trying to go into ketosis. The human body can easily handle the elimination of toxic substances in small amounts (it's DESIGNED to). A small number of people report headaches from relatively large amounts of aspertame. If you get that side effect, then avoid it. Otherwise it is not harmful to you.
   — Vespa R.

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