exclutions on insurnace

I have CHWCC EPO Plus (GemCare) through my employer they have a writen exclution that states treatment or surgery or obesity, weight reduction, or weight management is not a covered benefit under my health plan .Treatment or surgery for obesity is a direct exclusion of benefits, as listed in my EOC section but .I am not having the surgery for the treatment of obesity or weight control, and managment I need the surgery for the control of high blood pressure, sleep apnea, lower back and hip problems, plus i have had two strokes in the past.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on January 21, 2004)

January 21, 2004
Hi! I had the same exclusions in both of my insurance policies - and had five physicians write letters of medical necessity stating that I would be dead within a year if I didn't have WLS. Still didn't make a difference. I did consult with Walter Lindstrom - he had tried for years to overturn that particular company on that particular clause - and confirmed it was a waste of money to go down that path again. He instead urged me to save my pennies and self-pay. So self-pay we did. I went to Dr. Baltasar in Spain - one of the world's best bariatric surgeons, and had an incredible, fantastic recovery. No more diabetes, blood pressure, sleep apnea, wheelchair, reflux, stress incontinence, congestive heart failure, etc... If you want to know more about Dr. Baltasar go to - he's a great guy - a total sweetheart, and an incredibly skilled surgeon. Or let me know if I can answer any questions, okay? Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

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