I've just started exercising at about 3 months post op.

And I will continue. But my question is... For those that either physically couldn't exercised.. or kinda slacked on exercise, Could you tell me your experience with weight loss? (for the razzers: I know premium weight loss is about water, protein, and exercise) I'm curious. If you don't feel comfy talking here, please email me at [email protected].    — Michelle J. (posted on January 22, 2004)

January 22, 2004
I had surgery on 10/22/02. I did some walking but didn't start serious exerecising until the first of march. That was 5 months out. It really helped speed up the losing and made me feel great. I go to the gym at 5AM. I walk 2.5 miles at 4.0 on the treadmill. When I started all I could do was 1 mile at under 3.0. After my walk I do 6 machines, 3 for arms 1 for abdomen and 2 for legs. This takes right at 1 hour and I go 4 to 6 days a week. The only down side is that it is addictive. I feel very anxious when I don't go and my body is so dependant on it that I will gain if I miss a few days.
   — Tawnda C.

January 22, 2004
I am 2 1/2 months post-op. I use the Richard Simmons workout tape named: SIT TIGHT It is all done sitting down for fat people and handicapped people.
   — StarWish624

January 22, 2004
I can honestly say I religiously did yoga 10 times over a two year period. Not proud of it, but it's the truth. Rebecca 10/03/01 265/140
   — RebeccaP

January 23, 2004
To all of those who would flame me- save your breath, because I don't want to hear it. I had open RNY 11/18/02. My start weight was 306. I currently weigh 150. I've lost more than I weigh and I'm at goal weight! Yay!! However, on to exercise... I BELONG to a Curves. However, I havent stepped foot in the place in about 4 months. Even when I did go, it was never regular. I can honestly say- I hate formal exercise. HATE IT. I have yet to find something I love. Now, I'm not saying I sit at home on my a@$ all day. I am very active- more active than I ever was before. I resist the urge to sit and instead try to find active pursuits. I'll go biking when I would not have before, I'll take a hike, I'll go for a nice walk instead of staying in and watching TV. My yard looked fabulous this summer, because I spent most of my time in it. So- for me- Exercise-no. Activity-yes. And, I'm doing very well, thank you. (but, still searching for that formal exercise I will love. Trying racquetball next...wish me luck)And good luck to you!

January 23, 2004
To Lisa, No flame here, I agree with you. We talked about this at my support group meeting. As long as you are doing something, any thing, its ok. Just keep moving, being active is the key. I did the gym thing everyday (6 days a week) and hated every minute of it. I got burned out and havent gone back. But like you, I dont sit on my arse all day either. Just keep it moving! ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 130+ and below goal
   — Siddy I.

January 23, 2004
I had surgery Jan. 27, 03. I had very bad knees and was using a wheel chair. I had total knee repair surgery in July. I was unable to do much in the way of exercise. I have lost 143 pounds. Started at 321 now I weigh 178. I think if you do not eat breads,rice, or pasta, you will lose weight. Good luck!
   — Mae B.

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