Will I stop losing weight or gain weight with Lexapro?

I am 9 mos. out and had lost 100+pounds. On taking Lexapro this past three weeks I gained 7 pounds and have only loss 1 pound in the last two weeks. It also makes me very tired. I am worried that this will slow my weight loss or stop my loss. I have already been a slow loser with an average of 2.41 loss per week--though it is never constant. i go on fitday and I keep it 700-900 cal., 30 carb, 30 fat and have my water in--96 oz. daily. I lose every third week or so after my menses. Due to a coworker, my profile is private--sorry--she kept going to my boss with the silliest comments. I hope you can help me.    — dill P. (posted on March 1, 2004)

March 1, 2004
I went on Lexapro a week out of surgery. I consider myself a slow loser but never thought of it as being because of the medication. I am 19 lbs from my surgeons goal and am 7.5 months out so I feel all is fine. Talk to the doctor that gave you the lexapro and ask them if it can cause weight gain. Good luck! Theresa
   — TheresaC

March 1, 2004
I've been on lexapro for a year, WLS 6 months ago, losing steady no problems. Lexapro seems to have less side affects than some of the others I've taken.
   — Gordon L.

March 1, 2004
Hi dill, I have been taking Lexapro for over two years now, a year before surgery and so far ayear post op and have had no prolbems with it so far! I htried so many diff other antidepressants befoer surgery and they all gave me really bad side effects, plus alot of weight gain, then the doc put me on lexapro and maybe at first I gained about 5 or so lbs, then it evened out, so I think you will be fine, your weight will start to fall back off soon, since my surgery a year ago, I ahven't had any problems with losing, now I am slowing down with the weight loss cuz I am closer to goal ,but other thatn that I don't have any problems with the medication, unlike all of the others I took and they were bad side effects, so if the side effects aren't too bad for ya than I suggest stick with it and give it awhile, this medication really helps me tremendously. As for being tired with taking it, most antidepressants make you feel that way, and my docor said to only take it a night right before I go to bed that way if I get sleepy than just go to sleep! So you might want to discuss that with your doc! Good Luck to you! Hope this info helps and sorry for rambling on!
   — Melodee S.

March 2, 2004
Hello, I'm almost a year and a half out. I've lost 130 pounds! I began Lexapro a month ago, and I have actually started losing agian! I've always been a slow loser, but I have been on two very long plateaus. This most recent one I just accepted and moved on with life. I've been walking whenever I can, and being from up north, this time of the year bites! So, when the seasonal affectiveness disorder kicked in, I began the Lexapro. I have seen no weight gain, or sexual side effects as with the Paxil. So, good luck to you. Think positive! Christine
   — wiggie34

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