After years of thunder thighs rubbin' together I feel they have a different color

and I was wondering if that goes away? or if there is something that I can do to get rid of what I see as discoloration? Michelle 10/13/03 425/281/200    — Michelle J. (posted on May 26, 2004)

May 26, 2004
My wife out 2.5 years are lighter in color, although she didnt loose it all. I mentioned it to her just the other day
   — bob-haller

May 26, 2004
So you too, huh! I was shocked after my LBL when I suddenly had dark skin that had been hid under rolls of fat or rubbing together and generating heat and darkening the skin, sewed to what looks like virign white skin. It is the worst at the pubic bone as the skin sewn there is from quite a ways up my abdomen and quite white. I also have some of it at the hips and around the back. However, in the 3+ months since my LBL I can say that the skin that is more exposed, than the pubic area, is getting lighter. There will always likely be a difference but not as extreme as it was at first. Now that the skin is softer and swelling is gone etc., it is better. I was just commenting on that to my PS today. I did ask if he thought it was going to be a problem when he does the thigh lift. He thought that the two slaps of skin he will be sewing together should be pretty close in color, that the majority of the really dark stuff up in the groin area would be cut away. I hope it comes out better than my pubic area or I may never wear shorts again, and I sure do not want that. I don't really have a choice but to proceed with the surgery and hope for the best. It is encouraging to me to see how things have lightened on the current surgery. I also am thinking that if it is a huge problem that it might be something that can be bleached with a laser or something. They can remove port wine stains now with great success, so there probably is something, but I'm sure not cheap. I'll hope for matching skin as I won't have money left for bleaching after paying for everything else.
   — zoedogcbr

May 26, 2004
Some of the bleaching cream that is intended to fade dark age spots might help. I know it helps on the hands and face.
   — scbabe

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