Has anyone tried CortiSlim?

I've been researching CortiSlim and took the evaluation for it. But I wonder about the effects of gastric bypass people and if there's anything about it that might do some harm to my pouch. Anyone know anything about it? I've been under a lot of stress and reach for sweets. I posted something on that last weekend. What do ya think? -- Pam Nicholson    — pjnick (posted on November 6, 2004)

November 6, 2004
I have not tried CortiSlim, but I have tried Relacore,my understanding is they are basically the same thing. I was very depressed and stressed out and it was like a miracle. The first time I took it I felt noticably better in about 3 hours. I dont know if it helps at all with weight loss, but I take it for the other benefits. I havn't missed a day since day 1.
   — Shirley A.

November 7, 2004
I was in Vitamin World yesterday and was just talking to the sales clerk about CortiSlim. I never took pills of any sort for weight loss attempts, and asked him what he had heard about it. He told me he didn't really know how successful it was, but that it did have caffiene in it. That alone is enough for me not to take it. Along with being a diurretic, caffiene gives me heart palpitations.
   — Fixnmyself

November 7, 2004
IMHO- you need to speak with your surgeon about taking this pill. You have an altered physiology, which requires special care for the rest of your life. You must get a Dr's OK before you put something in your pouch that could damage it. Also, JMHO- taking a pill isn't going to change your stress level and the cact that youe emotions cause you to reach for's most likely a psychological symptom of a problem that you have lingering. The best advice here is to get some professional help from a nutritionist and a counselor of some sort to address your eating patterns and self destructive behavior. Good luck to you .

November 7, 2004
Why are you thinking about taking this pill? You have a new tool (your stomach). If you are having emotional eating problems I would not turn to a pill, but to someone who deals with emotional issues. It is very important that you find out what is happening in your head. A pill will not correct this. It only hinds it and then you are starting that old cycle of dieting trick that didn't work in the past. Good luck!
   — Linda R.

November 8, 2004
Surgery is not the 100% cure and just because you have surgery doesn't mean that you'll stop craving those "bad" foods. The way I get back on track is go 100% on Atkin's for 2 wks. I am a carb addict and once I have 2 days of strict Atkin's I have NO cravings.If you read the book you'll have less guilt about why you can't stop eating this stuff once started. I have maintained my weight loss (I'm 4.5 years out) by doing this if I go up 5-8 pounds. This is MY opinion and what works for ME. I'm only telling you this as an option, to perhaps help you. not promoting Atkin's BEST OF LUCK!
   — ZZ S.

November 11, 2004
I'm the original poster here and I talked with my surgeon and my regular doctor. They both said it was okay to take CortiSlim. I started on Monday and since then, I've done really good. I had a worse than usual day Tuesday at work and didn't reach for any sweets at all! In fact, I've been eating more protein which has always been a struggle for me anyway. I do believe they're helping and although I don't know how long I'll take them, if they can help me get over this stressful time and carb craving, then it's worth a try. I've lost two pounds since Monday and if nothing else, it's been a good kickstart to help me get back on track. Thanks for all your responses! Pam
   — pjnick

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