will they also make slight incesioon on upper part of my breasts to lift them

I have full insurance approve for arm lif (excision of the hidradenitis and excision of soft tissure redundancy of upper arms...I failed to ask my ND if there was achance of making small incision at top of breast to PULL them up..I do not want a boob job...but a slight lift...She already discussed she would be cutting directly under my arms to bottom of bra line to rid the flab...does any one know if the tightening of the breast tissue is also part of the procedure?????I have surgery 12/8/04. Also..I was bed ridden with house confinement for 3 months from3/3/04 thru June with daily nursing care since my sutures split ofen. It was a mess and extremely painful...Can anyone advise me what I have to look forward to with healing tim for this arm lift??? I've lost 190lbs....but the pain, nuring care at home and unable to leave the house took it's toll mentaly on me. I am 48 yr. with 12yr old & 9 yr old. and lucky to have a sait for a husband...but this will be my 7th operation since bypass in 1/2002 due to 3 hernias, tummy thuck thigh lift and now arm lift.....Is it worth it?????All comments and stories good & bad would be most appreciated....Thanks...Irene    — irene B. (posted on November 28, 2004)

November 28, 2004
have your doctor show you exactly what they will be doing. It helped me visualize when they took a marker and drew lines exactly where the incisions would be and kind of pinched up the skin to help me visualize. If the doctor does not specifically say something is included, it usually is not. ask questions and be specific. You have the right to know exactly what will be happening and what to expect as far as probable results. As far as an incision above the breast I have not seen that in any of my extensive research. there are several good books available, check at your local library. There is a bennelli lift that has an incision around the nipple only for those who only need a "little lift. there are lots of pictures on just type lift or mastopexy, or bennelli lift into a search engine and you will get all kinds of info. good luck and fast healing!!!!
   — **willow**

November 28, 2004
You prolly wouldn't want incisions on top. That would give you "scoops". Pinch under your breasts (gently), large fold and you will see the content go UP when the empty tissue below becomes empty. The scar for a lift goes there. Another way to visualize is to roll up a piece of paper into a cone shape. Make the "seam" on the bottom. As you adjust the "seam", the shape of the cone changes just a bit. That doesn't work as well, but you can kind of get the idea.
   — vitalady

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