Who is on medicaid and how'd you get on it?

I'm wondering b/c i'm on it but i'll be shut off in a week b/c i'll be turning 21 in march. I'm worried b/c now I won't have health insurance and I don't have a job to pay for any insurance right now.    — Jean D. (posted on January 31, 2005)

January 31, 2005
If you are on Medicaid now, just talk to your worker at the social services dept that you went to to get it. Tell them that you dont have a job and no way to pay for health insurance. They should just renew your subscription. Good luck!
   — beankidsmom

February 1, 2005
Hi, I don't know what state you live in, but I work for the Department of Family and Children Services in Georgia. We administer the Medicaid programs for the state of Georgia and it is certainly not as simple as talking to a worker. You must meet specific program criteria to be eligible and they cannnot under any circumstances give you an extension if you don't meet basic eligibility. Basic eligibility are things like age, income, citizenship, having minor children or being disabled. It varies from program to program and from state to state, but not much because it is a federal program. I'm thinking because you are turning 21 that unless you are disabled you are aging out of what is called the "Medicaid Special" program for people between 18-21. This program is based on that age category and low income. If you have a minor child you may qualify for Low Income Medicaid. If not you would have to be disabled. Sorry no national healthcare in this country is what it boils down to. Do call your caseworker to explore your options. You may have some. All the best!
   — Rhonda N.

February 2, 2005
As another person in PA I understand what you are going through. Sofar I think that this is the hardest state to get covered once you turn 21. You basicly have 4 options other then finding a job. You either need to be disabled, pregnant, takking a life sustaining drug, or have a drug addiction and be getting treatment for it. Other then that your out of luck unless you can find a job where you work 100 hr. a month. Then you still have to make sure your not making over the income limit. So basicly its almost imposible. I just got a job so next week I'll be going up there to try to get on but I'm already exspecting them to say that I'm over the income level. good luck.
   — Lori I.

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