Well guys, this is it! my surgery is Tues! and I would love any last minute advice

There are so many wonderful people so willing to share advice I would love any last minute pointers! like what should I bring to the hospital with me etc.. thanks for the support!!    — Sue P. (posted on August 2, 1999)

August 1, 1999
Lip gloss. Bring chap stick or something. And have your family put it where you can get it when you FIRST wake up! All I can say is that IT'S WORTH IT.
   — vitalady

August 1, 1999
Sue: Stay focussed. Allow God to keep you in perfect peace- because your mind is stayed on Him. Remember- He is right there with you. Keep your mind on why you are having this operation. TO ADD YEARS ONTO YOUR LIFE. Don't take alot of clothes-you'll be in your hospital gown walking up and down the halls. If you have some favorite music to use in a walk-man that will be great. You might want to make yourself a tape of your own voice to encourage yourself as you walk. Please give me the time of your operation I'd like to send my reliable angels on assignment to watch over the operating room while you are there. Please remember our prayers and support are with you - You are not alone. We know you will come through with flying colors. Sheila RNY March 26, 99 (82 pounds gone)
   — Sheila W.

August 1, 1999
Take your bathrobe, some books or magazines, maybe a journal to write in ... and a lot of love and support from your family and friends online and off. Best Wishes!!! We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!
   — Sherrie G.

August 2, 1999
GOOD LUCK!!!!! AND ONE WORD....MOVE!!!!!!! everytime you wake up turn...everytime you use the pain med....turn...get out of bed asap!!!! i never had "gas" pains....just passed it and no problems....bring slip on slippers....knee length robe....i brought short pajama sets and they were great!!! tell everyone NOT to vsit the first day!!!! take as much pain med as you need to get up and walk.......and ASK for help if you need it....and pack your own period supplies......a LOT of women get it early from stress!!!! well thats all for now and good luck on your journey to another life!!!!
   — LINDA L.

August 2, 1999
Good luck to you which one of the procedures are you having. Sorry I can't be of any help, I am just getting started with gathering information. If you have time, let me know how well you are doing after the surgery
   — Earleen C.

August 2, 1999
Sue Packard You going to do fantastic! One of the things that helped me alot was to walk as soon as you can. That this is the first step to a new and exciting life.You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take 1 day at a time! Barb S.
   — Barb S.

August 2, 1999
Good luck to you!I'm 3 week's postop and doing really well, no problems at all so far. In the hospital, I enjoyed having my own gowns (several), lotion for my hands and feet, lip balm, and I liked having a portable CD player with my favorite music (& earphones). Charlene
   — charlene M.

August 2, 1999
No last minute advice here. Just want you to know you are in my prayers. I know you will do fine and have a speedy recovery.
   — Peggy W.

August 2, 1999
Sue--I'm sending you my prayers and best wishes for your surgery and a speedy recovery. Trust in God to get you through this. Let God's peace and comfort surround you in the OR. This is the start of a new life for you. I am still a pre-op so I don't really know about the other stuff. I will be praying for you tomorrow A.M.
   — Kathleen M.

August 2, 1999
Besr of luck to you and make sure youtake slippers that will allow you to walk on non carpeted floors and some thing loose and comfortable to wear home. And of course your best attitude! My thoughts will be with you.. The first 24 hours are the tuffest and then after that it is all downhill. After your first walk then you will realize that you can do all of this.
   — [Anonymous]

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