Are there any WLS docs in St. Louis, MO who will agree to surgery w/o blood ?

Because of religious reasons I will not accept blood transfusion. To save time searching, I hope someone will know of a bariatric surgeon in St. Louis, MO who will agree to operate without blood transfusion.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 28, 2001)

January 29, 2001
I donated my own blood a few weeks prior to surgery just in case. My religion doesn't restrict me from having blood products, but I wanted my own if anything were to happen. What is your religions view on receiving your own blood products? You should discuss this with your surgeon and possibly you can donate your own blood for your use just in case something happens? I am sure this is something that could be worked out, as long as it doesn't interfere with your religious belief's. They didn't end up using my blood so all worked out. Good luck
   — enjo4

January 29, 2001
Hi there, I am a JW so I do not take blood either. I told my surgeon this and he accepted it. He didn't feel that it would be an issue. I also made sure that my husband understood that I would not accept it and he agreed. (he is not a JW) I don't know a surgeon there in ST Louis but I wanted to share what I did.
   — Louise H.

January 29, 2001
I had the same concern pre-op, and being a JW I discussed the matter with my surgeon, his assistant, and the anesthesiologist (supplying all with copies of waiver and directive). The overwhelming response was that blood was rarely, if ever, needed. No problem arose for me, even though I had complications and a second surgery. A year later I had hernia repair/panniculectomy, and found they were more concerned with blood loss for these procedures, although I had no problem. Of course, you are wise to attempt locating a surgeon who agrees to work along with your convictions. Please don't hesitate to email if you'd like. Cindy
   — Cynthia B.

February 3, 2001
Hi, I had my surgery done in St. Peter's. If you are from St. Louis you know how close that is. My surgeon was Dr. J. Stephen Scott in Wentzville. When I went to Barnes/St. Peter's for my pre-op tests, they asked if I would like to have my own blood drawn in case I need it. Dr. Scott does the RNY surgery lap. I don't know if it makes a difference or not but it would be worth a call to his office.
   — [Anonymous]

February 4, 2001
Hi I am responding to your request about the blood issue!! I have great news for you. Dr.Yates has worked on many Jw's and he has NO problem not using transfusions. He said there is no worry. He has never had to in his practice of 4 years. He is AWESOME!@!!My husband and I attended the seminar in KCMO @ DOUBLETREE Saturday and I actually ended up cancelling my appointment with my surgeon and signed up with Dr. Yates His phone # is 1-800-245-1431. 2639 Miami Street St. Louis, MO 63118 Call them you will be soooooo impressed. Also email me back if you have any questions Sicerely Carol in KC
   — [Anonymous]

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