Questions to ask doctor on my first visit. Please Help me with my list.

I will be visiting with Dr. Naaman in Houston, TX. for the first time on 10/23/01 and I would like for you all to help me with my list of questions to ask him. I have read lots of your postings and I know that all of you are very talented and have researched and experienced this WLS for several months and years. I am new at this research an would like your help, please. I am 5'7 1/2" and weigh 285# and rising. I really appriciate all of your help. Thank You my e-mail is [email protected]    — Nora R. (posted on October 13, 2001)

October 13, 2001
Check out my profile for a list of questions to ask at the first consultation. Good luck!
   — Jeannet

October 13, 2001
Congrats on your appointment! On my website I have a ton of questions for the doctor that i compiled from several sources.\wls (if that doesn't work right, then I have the correct link at the top of my profile) Hope this helps! Good Luck!
   — Pamela P.

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