Is it OK to take medications and vitamins all at the same time?

I take 225 gms Effexor, a hormone pill, 2 Flintstones chewable vitamins, and 3 calcium vitamins (1500 gms) all at the same time. Should I be taking these at different times or is it OK to take them all at once?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 10, 2002)

February 10, 2002
I'm not sure exactly, but I would like to give you some general advice.... You shouldn't take any medical advice having to do with medication from anyone but your own doctor. It's great to hear and get support from others in your situation but when it come to drugs and what to mix it with you are better off asking your doctor. Good luck and have a blessed day!
   — [Anonymous]

February 10, 2002
I cannot comment on your Rx meds (except nothing goes very well with iron, except vit C), but if it was me, I'd split the multi vites into twice/daily. Calcium can only be absorbed in 500mg increments. Read your calcium packaging carefully to see the serving size. And to be sure it is calcium CITRATE. The serving size may be 2-3 pills = 500mg. You might want to take your 500mg of calcium with your meals, so that would spread it out and give it that potential for the stomach acid it needs to break down.
   — vitalady

February 10, 2002
While I agree with anon, talk to your dr or pharmacist, here are some general rules... don't take calcium with iron or synthroid, both block calcium absorption. Do take iron or vites with iron with vit c.. it boosts absorption. Most people can only absorb 500 mg of calcium at one time. The body just gets rid of the rest. So it's better to split your calcium throughout the day. For other combos that are good, or bad... talk to your dr or pharmacist. Good Luck
   — Becky K.

February 10, 2002
I disagree with anon. Many doctors do not know what meds can go together and what needs to separated. Your pharmacist will know and they are probably the best source for information on what meds work together or not.
   — garw

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