What special things did you have to do before surgery

The only thing my surgeon requires is nothing to eat or drink after midnight the day before surgery. I know some of you had to do the bowel prep and some didn't. I've read where some of you had to shower with special soaps, etc. I want to be in the best shape possible - (for the shape I'm in) for my surgery. What are your suggestions? Do I have to have a RX for the bowel prep stuff if I want to do it? What special kinds of soaps did you have to use and where do I find them? I've been taking a multi-vitamin with iron for a couple of months now. Do I need to do anything else? -deep breathing exercises, anything? I have 10 days left and getting nervous!! Thanks for the info.    — Margaret G. (posted on July 28, 2002)

July 28, 2002
Practicing the deep breathing exercises certainly will not hurt anything. I didnt do the bowel prep, but if you really feel like you want could just have clear liquids only the whole day before. It's not exactly the same but it keeps solid food out of your intestines for 24 hours or so before. My doctor had me take a shower with hibiclens the night before. Im sure you could get that at almost any drug store. Otherwise a good antibacterial soap would probably do the trick. But most of all, relax (try) and dont stress yourself out, it's a rough adjustment afterwards and you will need your strength. Best of luck!!
   — Cory F.

July 28, 2002
please do just what your surgeons tell you to do. i did not have to do a bowel prep, but i certainly wouldnt voluntarily go GET one on purpose!!! the other poster was right, eat lightly or have clear foods/fluid for the 2 days before surgery. have your famous "lat meal" several days before surgery. i was nothing by mouth after midnight before my 730 am surgery and was fine. also, you do not necessarily have to buy special soap for a special shower, that is just that particular surgeon's preference. they will prep your skin quite well prior to surgery with special solutions (usually betadine) and everything is done sterilly in the OR so there is no need to worry. shower/clean up as usual, and go from there. you will do fine! think more about walking, deep breathing and keeping a bright outlook (which is hard some days, i do acknowledge that LOL) best wishes! nancy doerr rn
   — Nancy D.

July 28, 2002
You can just use anti-bacterial soap if you want. THEY scrub the daylights out of you, so you're not dependent on "your work". You can always take a little vit C to build immunity and aid healing. And of course, I'm a big fan of pre-op protein supps to help that tissue knit together. My doc has seen such a diff that he now suggests it (strongly). We don't do a bowel prep, either, just the clears from the night before.
   — vitalady

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