what are some employers who have insurance that cover wls

I am a second grade teacher and have UHC ins. with an exclusion and I am considering taking a yr leave of absence and getting a job that has good insurance that will cover wls. Need some suggestions    — bev S. (posted on December 28, 2002)

December 28, 2002
Federal Government
   — Darlene P.

December 28, 2002
Probably totally undoable for you, but Michigan Teachers have MESSA BC/BS insurance and they cover the surgery easily. Good Luck
   — Missy M.

December 28, 2002
   — ~~Stacie~~

December 28, 2002
Home Depot
   — Carol S.

December 28, 2002
Wild Oats Markets. Not sure where your town is in Missouri - but there are stores in Overland Park and K.C. Good Luck!
   — Shannon D.

December 28, 2002
I live in the same town you do. AT&T's insurance covers WLS surgery. I know 10 co- workers who have WLS and none have had any insurance difficulties. AT&T has several offices in and around the St. Louis, Missouri area but I'm unsure if there is any active hiring going on right now.
   — Kelly S.

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