Does anyone get dizzy and break out in a sweat......

I don't think this is dumping because I don't consume sugar when this is happening. I'm 7 months out and have lost 112 pounds (actually at goal) but sometimes I'll be walking and just get so dizzy and then start to get this clamy feeling. (it almost feels like you've had to much coffee/caffeine and you get the jitters...but worse) I am on a multi-vitamin and b-12/calcium regiment, so I thought maybe it was an iron thing. My labs came back in December and were great. Anyone have any ideas, or is this the "dreaded" menapause. (I just turned 40)    — rhonda R. (posted on February 2, 2003)

February 2, 2003
I am a registered nurse, not a doctor but it sounds as if your blood sugar is dropping. If I were you I would notify my doctor. Sometimes labs dont catch this unless it happens right at the time they are being drawn.
   — Delores S.

February 2, 2003
I agree with the previous poster. I have noticed that if I go too long between meals I have the same symptoms and find relief when I eat/drink.
   — Jeana S.

February 2, 2003
Hi. I have had the same symptoms several times, a couple of times really bad. My wife is diabetic, so when it was bad, I took my blood sugar with her monitor and it was really low, the last time it was below 50! So I try to watch diet & try not to go too long in between meals.
   — Randy L.

February 2, 2003
Rhonda; I experience this many times being a diabetic. Monitor you blood sugar levels each day for a while. You should let your doctor know that this is happening as well.
   — William G.

February 2, 2003
my mom was a diabetic, and every once in a while she'd experience what you're describing if her blood sure went too low.
   — lorien

February 2, 2003
I can't believe you asked this. I just experienced the exact same thing two times yesterday! They happened about 30 minutes apart. I was standing both times, talking to someone, and had to sit down, until the feeling passed. It scared the you-know-what out of me, and I too was afraid it was a hot flash (I'm 45, the same age my sister was when she started menopause). This happened only once before, about 3 months ago. I thought it might be from low blood pressure, especially as yesterday, I had just had a tuna sandwich about an hour before the attacks. All the other responses seem to indicate low blood sugar. My question is: what can be done about this? I certainly get enough sugar in my foods (I don't dump, except the one time I ate 2 jelly donuts and a cup of hot chocolate). Any advice?
   — Cyndie K.

February 2, 2003
sounds like low blood sugar to me! i'm diabetic! been there!!!!
   — janetc00

February 2, 2003
I get this too, when I don't eat enough during the day or if I haven't had enough water. I've been tested for diabetes and it's not that, so my doctor has put it down to my body not getting enough food to sustain it.
   — Gremlin Q.

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