Has anyone had a baby since they had WLS.

How long did you wait and did you have a problem getting pregnant? And what about the weight gain from being pregnant?    — Shannon B. (posted on October 20, 2003)

October 19, 2003
My daughter lost 220 lbs. after her proximal lap RNY and got pregnant with her first baby 22 months later. She had a wonderful full-term pregnancy which ended with a C-section (totally unrelated to the WLS) and a beautiful, healthy, 8lb 10oz. baby girl. During the pregnancy, she gained 22 lbs., but gained alot of "fluid weight" in the last trimester. By her six-week postnatal check-up, she was 3 lbs. below her pre-pregnancy weight. Her obstetrician contacted her bariatric surgeon for advice on how to manage the pregnancy of a WLS patient and was told to double her prenatal vitamins and check a comprehensive metabolic panel every two months. Her labs were completely normal throughout the pregnancy and at the six-week check-up. By the problems getting pregnant...she figures that she got pregnant on the third day of her honeymoon. My son-in-law was recovering from testicular cancer and they had been told that they likely could never have children, even with in-vitro no birth-control measures! She regards her WLS and their new baby as the "two best miracles" in her life. Best wishes to you!
   — Diana T.

October 19, 2003
Check out Shaye Roland's profile. She is from Florida and just had her baby a couple of months ago. If you e-mail her she is good about helping out and answering questions. She helped me a lot with questions about WLS.
   — Cheryl S.

October 19, 2003
I am currently 10 weeks pregnant. I got pregnant 13 months after my RNY. My dr. only requires a 1 year wait. I haven't gained any weight, but that's due to the lovely nausea I have all the time (it is getting better). My OB is aware of the surgery and will monitor me pretty closely. I am trying not to worry about potential weight gain, but I know that will be hard for me. I am keeping up with my walking so far, so I hope that will help. If you are interested there is a Yahoo group specifically for post-op pregnancies: <p>
   — Ali M

October 20, 2003
I became pregnant with twins after WLS. Up until I was 34 weeks I had only gained 12 lbs. The twins were born at 37 weeks which is considered full term for twins. Savannah weighed 5 lbs 8 oz and Samuel weighed 5 lbs 14 oz. Weeks 34 through 37 I put on an additional 18 lbs but it was all fluid. I was 210 when I found out I was pregnant, I was 240 at the end of the pregnancy and within 7 days of giving birth I weighed 188 and am now down to 175 and still losing. By the way the babies are 5 1/2 months now. Good Luck! Feel free to email me.
   — Tammy W.

October 20, 2003
I am pre-op and have had infertility issues for 5+ years. 4 women that I know (who also experienced infertility) through my GYN had WLS and after waiting 1 yr post-op ALL became pregnant and had healthy babies.
   — Amy E.

October 20, 2003
Hadababyitsaboy... And what about the weight gain? You may expirience it, but if it is for the sake of your child being healthy- it should not be an non-issue. If the weight gain scares you, or if you feel you will have issues with it during your pregnancy, you really need to address the whole "having a baby" idea.
   — Karen R.

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