Are Pre-Natal Vitamines okay to take if you're not pregnant

Question...need your thoughts. I'm not pregnant but I bought some pre-natal vitamines from a vitamine store to take to make sure I get enough vitamines. Is this okay? Also I wanted to see if it would help with the hair loss.    — Johanna W. (posted on January 19, 2005)

January 18, 2005
I've been taking a prescription pre-natal vitamin every day since my RNY 3 years ago. My doctor told me I'd be taking it for the rest of my life to help get all the vitamins I need. I don't know about helping hair loss, but I can tell you that my fingernails grow like you wouldn't believe!!
   — Patty H.

January 18, 2005
alot of people use the prenatal - they have extra I belive of certain vitamins (which I cant tell you cause I dont use them) you'd have to check the back.. they will not hurt you.... BUT I would not count on them helping with hair loss.
   — star .

January 18, 2005
According to the bariatric coordinator in our area, the pre-natal vitamins are the most complete of all vitamins. I agree with the other poster about the fingernails. I never had nails before and now they're strong and look great. Never have to have the artifical nails anymore.
   — scbabe

January 19, 2005
I have used them for 21 months and my labs are really great and the Dr. said for me to use them for the rest of my life. I dont know about what others think but I do believe they are what stopped my hair from falling out after taking them for about a month and a half..after surgery havent had any problems (knock on wood)lol since. if they help give a pregnant woman enough vitamins for her and her baby then they should deffinately help us some..good luck in your journey..
   — Sheila W.

January 19, 2005
I am not sure about the pre-natals, but Nioxin makes a oral vitamin supplement for hair & nails. I have heard that they work well. Best Wishes, Chris M
   — KRIS E

January 19, 2005
prenatals certainly wouldn't hurt anybody, they have extra of certain vitamins and iron that are important in pregnancy.
   — **willow**

January 19, 2005
Pre natal vitamins is what my doc recommends. They won't hurt you and they do have extras of some of the vitamins you need now. They will not help with your hair loss...I've heard that the supplement Biotin will help with that but don't know for sure. They have done nothing for my nails either...but others say differently!
   — kccjer

January 20, 2005
I am pretty sure the pre-natals are good for you, as far as vitamin supplements go, but not sure about hair loss issue. I have been told by several people to take Biotin supplements and use Nioxin Shampoo & Conditioner & Scal Treatment...I actually started tkaing the Biotin prior to my surgery, and I have noticed that my hair is healthier if nothing else! Good Luck!
   — Laura G.

January 20, 2005
There's nothing wrong with taking the prenatal vitamins, but they won't help with your hair loss. Your body is telling you that you aren't getting enough increase you're intake!!! A friend(10 months post-op) says her hair regrew in a couple of months.
   — catnhat1973

January 20, 2005
I, personally, would not take them. They are not "weighted" correctly for us, IMHO. If you are taking them, you will need extra iron + C, calcium citrate + D, extra dry form A, D, E and probably zinc, as well as B12, sublingually or shots. There are hair, skin, nail preparattions, but if you are just hitting 4 months, you are now working on your regrowth. I'm assuming you are supplementing your protein already.
   — vitalady

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