Not a very nice topic....but....

My surgeon allows you to choose drinking the Magnesium Citrate at 10:00 am the day prior to surgery or having an enema at 4:00 the evening prior. This is in addition to 48 hours of liquid diet prior to surgery. I've not had the pleasure of doing either...So, I'd like your opinions on this one. If you were given the choice...which one's the least disgusting? Thanks!    — Michele A. (posted on August 26, 2000)

August 26, 2000
I did the citrate the day before as that is what my doctor required. If you decide on the citrate get the lemon lime and freeze it to a slushy stage. I didn't have any problem drinking it with it that cold.
   — Jilda H.

August 26, 2000
go for the mag citrate......starts working quickley + it cleanses great without having to go through the discomfort of an enema.
   — christeen M.

August 26, 2000
I had to take Phillips MoM the day before...and a clear liquid diet...once the initial bout had passed, it was okay...*shrug*...I'd been on a soft, non-dairy, no egg, non-meat diet for two days prior to that, so there wasn't much left *s* Linda
   — Lucky B.

August 27, 2000
Michelle, It's really not that bad. A day or so later you'll swear it was gross, but it really does taste like diet 7up with salt. I downed it in about 5 minutes and got it over with. DO get it really cold and the lemon lime. It definately would be better than the enema. You'll do fine, just like I did. God Bless
   — Bryytteyes

August 28, 2000
Hi Michelle, I would choose the mag citrate. It is only about 8 oz and tastes like cheap Sprite. Not as bad as an ENEMA, in my opinion. Hope this helps!
   — Laura P.

July 16, 2001
This is a good question and the responces before mine amaze me. I had to do the citrate before a colonoscopy it was horrid. the effects arent bad but the taste was unbearable for me. I would choose an enema 100 times over that nasty tasting stuff. In fact just thinking about it make me gag.
   — Damian D.

July 16, 2001
Hi, I'm pre-op but had to do a bowel prep for a barium enema (lower GI series). I would choose the enema over the citrate of mag. any day! The enema, which I had to do as well as the citrate of mag. lasts like 5 minutes as opposed to sitting on the john for upwards of 12 hours from the citrate of mag. Plus, the taste of the citrate of mag. nearly made me was really a struggle to get it all down. Just my 2 cents! Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 28, 2002
I have done both due to surgerys ive had. They are both yucka. I myself prefer an enema because it's not as time consuming. It is over in about 5 to 10 minutes and your not on the pot all night. That drives me nuts. UP and DOWN all night long. If you have hemorrhoids put a little vaseline on the tip before insertion. I did and it was much easier and kinder that way. My surgery is coming up Jan. 17/03. I will be doing just what I told you. Lots of luck to your before and after and God bless. Betty from CA.
   — BETTY M.

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