Is the open bypass safe with lymph edema?

I was diagnosised with Lymphedema this past summer in my left leg, but have had it most of my life. The only doctors that take my insurance do the open bypass. I am at 57-59 BMI. My only other health problems are allergies. Would like to talk to someone that knows about lymph and lipedema. Would like to be refered to a doctor that is knowledgable about LE. thanks Amy    — Amy S. (posted on November 28, 2001)

November 28, 2001
There was a fellow who had developed lymphedema due to a tummy tuck he had after his surgery. You should read back on the message board three or four weeks because I don't remember his name or where he was from but since my sister died from lymphedema in 1996 I always read what people say about it. Sorry I can't be of more assistance. You don't have a profile or I would have contacted you privately. At the least, you should be seeking treatment for lymphedema. Take care.
   — Ellen H.

November 28, 2001
I have had lymphedema in both of my legs for 5 years now. I had surgery Sept of 2000 and this year I have had a tummy Tuck in Oct and just the past Mon I hed leg debulking for severe bunches the size of basketballs. All has gone great so far. Good Luck. Feel free to email me with any questions you may have.
   — Carol M.

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