Sex drive....when does it come back?

Kind on an embarassing questions...but here goes. I am a little over 16 weeks post op. I've had ZERO sex drive since surgery. I've always been very sexual, but NOTHING since. What's the deal with this? I feel better, I look better, I expected to be bouncing off the walls....I just have no desire and do not respond to stimuli. Help!    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 12, 2002)

January 12, 2002
well first are you male or female.....i am male and have no problem getting an errection. i had intercourse a week after i came home from the hospital. you say you dont respond to stimuli. it has to be begun at an easy approach. take your time and it will comeback. watch videos and play with your partner. it will take some time but it should be back by now. take care and good luck.....
   — paul L.

January 12, 2002
Mine came back after about a month, after losing about 30lbs. I haven't stopped since. Been much better than pre-op. Maybe yours is a hormonal thing. Hormones can do some crazy things.
   — Cheri M.

January 12, 2002
I see a male point of view let me try the female.. My husband and I had to do a "courtship" week and it was the best week I've had in a long time.. He rented some regular movies, sat on the couch with me, cuddled me, petted me, kissed me the first night, and well the rest of the week it was a gradual progression back to our normal sex life. even to the point where one night we made out like teenagers. I had no sex drive coming out of surgery and well now, back to normal now. I hope the idea helps.
   — [Anonymous]

January 12, 2002
My husband's sex drive was low and he had blood test to check his testerone levels and it was very low! He is now on the a testerone patch and his sex drive has increased but it took about a month to build up levels.
   — [Anonymous]

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