What is Curves for Women?

I live in Manistee, MI we have one in town and I have been curious exactly what it is. If anyone out there can tell me a little about it before I go make a fool of myself in person I would apreciate it. I want to exercise after surgery but know nothing about whether this is appropriate to consider, since I have know idea what it actually is. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.    — Linda C. (posted on May 30, 2002)

May 30, 2002
Curves for Women is great! It is an exercise place for women only that uses hydraulic machines and small, padded steps. When you walk in, the machines and steps are set up in a circle in an alternating pattern: machine, step, machine, step, and so on. I usually start on a step--you just march in place. Music is playing, and every 30 seconds, a woman's voice tells you to change stations. Then, you move on to a machine. The machines don't use weights--they are hydraulic, which means that anyone can use them. You determine how hard of a workout you get without having to worry about or change weights. The machines work different parts of your body. I go around the circle 3 times, which results in a 30-minute workout. I haven't gone to Curves for awhile even though I am still a member, but I plan to start going again when my surgeon gives me clearance for any exercise more strenuous than walking. I did attend Curves for a few months at one time--I went about 3 or 4 times a week--and in just those 3 or 4 months, I was amazed at how much muscle tone I got. You ought to check it out. It costs around $100 to join, and then it's about $30.00 a month. You have to commit to at least one year.
   — Kristie B.

May 30, 2002
I just thought of one more thing: even though it is a place for women only, the women who go there do not look like most women who join a gym. At least at the Curves I go to, women dress in regular shorts and t-shirts, jogging suits, or their everyday clothes. They range in age from teenagers to elderly women. There aren't any women walking around in leotards and thongs making the rest of us uncomfortable! They're just normal women.
   — Kristie B.

May 30, 2002
Check this out:
   — GGinMA

May 30, 2002
Curves is a wonderful way to work out post-op. It is non impact and is done circuit style. There are 9 or 10 machines that work different muscles and there is a platform that you use to walk or job on in between each machine. You go around 3 times and then you are done. It only takes between 30-45 minutes to complete and it is FUN!!! I
   — livnliter

May 30, 2002
i love curves...first of all since it's only for women you don't have the pressure of working out in front of men. 2nd, there are women of all ages, shapes and sizes. at over 300 pounds i never felt uncomfortable working out. i can't wait to get back to it. hopefully after my dr appt i can go back...
   — candymom64

May 16, 2003
FYI, here in Nassau County New york, they waive the registration fee for gastric bypass patients. Check with your local center to see if they do the same.
   — Jeana C.

August 14, 2003
Curves is great! I have belonged to 24 hour fitness, and to the ymca, neither of which I kept up with. I started curves end of march, overdid it the first couple weeks and found that had stressed my knee- due to being overused, over jelous, etc. spent about 10 days with ice and ibuprophen then returned and watched that I did not overdue it. still on may 15th , when they took my measurements I had lost 11.5 inches, and that is with only measuring one arm and one leg , not both!. noted after just a few weeks that I was feeling better after my workout than before it!, has been great way to blow off steam at end of stress ful day. , no guys, supportive environment, etc.
   — Pam R.

September 19, 2003
I joined Curves in March '03 prior to surgery. I just had my RNY on 9/10/03 and really look forward to returning to Curves. No mirrors, no men, no make-up! It is really a lot of fun and you feel so comfortable because everybody there is having fun and not looking like gym bunnies. I was about 350#s prior to surgery and am now 331. I am walking every night but really want the extra that Curves provides. Check them out and ask for a free week. Many offer this. Good luck.
   — Phyllis W.

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