Is it safe for someone who is bipolar manic depressant to have WLS?

My husband went for his first consultation and when the doc found out he was Bipolar, he said wls was not recommended for people with bipolar because they have severe side affects, does anyone know what they are, or has anyone had wls that is bipolar and been fine?    — Tammy G. (posted on June 19, 2002)

June 20, 2002
I am 6 weeks post op, and i have bipolar disorder. Before surgery we had to change my meds from an extended release to the normal type of tegretol. My levels since surgery are fine. My surgeon also had reservations about doing the surgery but after he talked to another doc about my meds it was all okay. Everything so far is good.
   — tinalivesay

June 21, 2002
I am bipolar, and am 5 weeks post-op. I feel great! My doctor changed me to liquids for my depakote, lithium, and zoloft. I tend to run more on the depressive side so this has really helped my self-esteem. My doctor was very supportive, and he even wrote a letter to the insurance company stating that this would definately help my depression. I did not tell my wls doctor I am bipolar because I figured if my physiciatrist said it was O.K. then it was none of my wls surgeons's business. Let's face it it's hard enough to get this surgery done if your are quote unqote "normal". I even passed my phych eval!
   — tara W.

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