Can somebody please tell me what this may be

I have been having pain in my mid back for about 2 weeks now. At first I thought it was just cause I was on my period. While seeing my dr I mentioned the pain and he brushed it off saying it was my Panni. Well now the pain is not only in my lower back but also in my left shouldar blade area and under my left ribcage.The pain under my ribcage is a cramping sensation with an occasionally stabbing pain. The pain seems to worsen after I drink something. Does anyone know what this is. oh I am 9 months also.    — jenna F. (posted on June 24, 2002)

June 24, 2002
Do you still have your gallbladder? From what I've heard, the symptoms are similar.
   — Leslie F.

June 24, 2002
Oh yeah I still have my gallbladder!!
   — jenna F.

June 24, 2002
Gall bladder pain is usually felt in the right mid back as it is located on the right side under the liver. The pain you are describing could be anything from gas to strictures caused by adhesions. Depending on the frequency, severity and duration, you need to be more insistent with your doctor that he check it out. Good Luck!
   — merri B.

June 24, 2002
hiya im not a dr. however if you are taking bets then im betting gall bladder very very major league common for it to go from rapid weight loss however, the right side pain your feeling could very well be inflamed pancreas due to gall bladder misfunction it can get serious quickly you need to get dr to do testing now regular pcp or surgeon which ever can get you in the quickest and won't brush the pain aside i hope this helps
   — BBD

June 24, 2002
Could be a kidney infection. Is your urine at all cloudy? Do you have a fever? Do you feel nauseated (don't we all...)? Most doctors treat escalating pain differently than a single mention of pain. I am guessing if you tell your doctor how it has progressed, he will pay attention. Post back when you get the diagnosis, okay?
   — Karen F.

June 24, 2002
It sounds like gallbladder to me. I had pain in my right side as well as my back. I was seeing a chiropracter at the time because of a car accident. When the pain didn't go away I had an xray taken and it turned out that I had a stone the size of a golf ball in there. The tech couldn't believe I was still walking around with it. I have to say also that I had just dropped 50+ lbs. and they say rapid weight loss can affect your gallbladder. The pain in the side too was contributed to the fact that it was blocking the bile from being released and I had a lot of heartburn too from that. If ur doc won't send you to be checked I'd go to the hospital and get an xray myself. Better to be safe than sorry. Good Luck!
   — Diane C.

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