Prempro & Weight Gain?

My gynolocologist has prescribed Prempro because I'm going through the change; hot flashes, mood swings, the who gamit! I have been taking Prempro for about 4 weeks and have gained 8 pounds! I've decided I can put up with the hot flashes and mood swings, but can't do the weight gain! Is there anyone else out there that is taking Prempro and is handling the weight? I didn't take it last night because I don't want to continue to gain the weight. Need some advice.    — dolphins94 (posted on July 11, 2002)

July 11, 2002
I went thru menopause really early. When I finally convinced my OB-GYN that that was what was really going on, I got on Prempro. Worked like a charm for the hot flashes. Immediately started gaining weight BUT I cannot say without a doubt that it was entirely the Prempro because I had some other major changes going on at the same time. I believe that they all ganged up on me. I gained 68 the last 8 years. Yuck! I had my surgery 6/17 and had been off the Prempro since 5/17 (I read that the hormones may contribute to blood clots post-op) and have no intention of going back on it. Flashes have stopped. Plus, the news was just full of the bad results of the latest scientific study about these hormones. I've read that increasing soy products helps ease flashes, and there's a progesterone cream that can be prescribed as well. Good luck!
   — Loretta E.

July 13, 2002
I am perimenopausal as well right now and did not do well with the synthethic hormones like prempro, etc. As your physician for naturally compounded estrogen and progestrone. I use bi-est and progesterone and they are wonderful controlling my symptoms of menopause.
   — Joanie J.

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