Support for Post Ops

Just wondering how many of you know people - directly - that have had the same op as you. Around my area, I am the only person I know of who has had this operation [RNY] and I'm a little shy about tellimg people that I have had an operation. Because of that, I have no one to tell me if I'm doing well or not ... and I guess I'm feeling a little lonely and disconnected. This board is great for solving that. <br> <br> SoI just wanted to know: <br> <br> I'm 6 months post op, down 136 pounds from 400+, is that good?    — Gremlin Q. (posted on August 10, 2002)

August 9, 2002
136 pounds lost in 6 months is great! Sounds like you are doing everything just fine. As for some support, maybe you can speak with your surgeon and tell him how you feel. Maybe he can speak to someone else he has performed the surgery on and set something up for a meeting of sorts. It's worth a try.
   — Kim B.

August 9, 2002
I would do the same as the post before and talk to your surgeon, mine has support meetings once a month, your surgeon may know of where there may be meetings for you to attend. Also, go to the peers section of this site and look up people in your town who have had or are looking to have the surgery and ask if you can just get together or something.
   — stacey1273

August 10, 2002
Your weight loss sounds terrific!! There are many people on AMOS that would be willing to be a "support" person to you. Just be sure to post/read the message board on a regular basis, I am sure you will find someone willing to correspond with you on a personal basis. You should also do as the other posts have suggested, ask your surgeons office if they sponsor a support group, if not, call other local surgeons and ask if they do. It is not important that you have the same surgeon, just people that you can share your experiences with. We also have a chat room on AMOS, you might try that too. Best of luck to you.
   — deb_wls2001

August 10, 2002
Gremlin queen, you are doing awesome! Yes, thats very good. When I had my surgery I found the page that tells you who has had surgery on the same date as you-and there are dozens all across the country. I read their profiles and selected a half dozen that I wanted to correspond with, a few who lived in my state, some who started out as the same weight as me, a few that were my age etc. I E-mailed them and asked if they'd like to keep in touch. Today, I have 6 or 7 of those buddies and we check in periodically with each other -every day almost in the beginning!! I also found a few who were about 6 months ahead of me and started corresponding too figuring that they had the experience i may have to call on. Then I had my surgeon start a support group and although it is still small, its growing and we meet once a month. Hope this helps.
   — Cindy R.

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