Please help me!!

I am writing a paper for my college classes on weight loss surgery. I have to cite everything and I am trying to find websites or any documented info pertaining to people against this for of weightloss. We all know that it is out there but now when I want it I can't find it. Please help me!!    — jenna F. (posted on August 20, 2002)

August 20, 2002
Jenna, I don't have the actual address, but I believe there's a woman out there, Sue Widemark, whose personal agenda in life is to trash any and all forms of WLS. I believe she's a woman of size herself, and feels that the risks of obesity are far less than the risks of surgery. I'm sure that if you were to go to Google or any other search engine, you'd find her out there. Good luck!
   — Karen I.

August 20, 2002
Hi. You won't find much anti-weight loss surgery information on this site. Most of the members here love weight loss surgery, it's changed their lives! But there are a lot of sites against it. You might want to try a search engine. I can't remeber the site, but one guy made a web page saying no one lives longer than 15 years after surgery. That's not true. Sorry I couldn't help you more. Good luck on your paper.
   — Sarah K.

August 20, 2002
Here you go: -----
   — Rosario T.

August 20, 2002
Yeah, the only person I know who really bashes WLS is Sue Widemark. Personally, I just think she has too much time on her hands. She has a ton of websites. Anyway, here is the address to her anti-wls site: .
   — Jennifer Y.

August 20, 2002
Haven't visited this site, but have heard the owner of it devotes her site to bashing this surgery, and she has not even had the surgery. Try I assume you are going to give both sides of the debate? There was also an article in Rosie magazine a month or two ago where she profiled two people, one who was happy with the surgery, and one who had gained all their weight back and was definitely not happy. I'm sure you could do a search and find both sides of the debate.
   — Cindy R.

August 21, 2002
Please make sure your negative cases are well documented! I would not use the "he said, she said" approach that Ms. Widemark uses. Even most of the "negative" (if you can call them that) outcomes that we hear of on this site, has some positive to them. Sometimes the surgery just doesn't work, yet people are pretty honest in relaying that to us. I have asked Sue a couple of times for her reasons behind disliking this surgery (or similar) since she never had any! I did not understand her passion- however, she never replied.
   — Karen R.

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