Has anyway with a high BMI over 70 had a sucsessful Lap surgery?

My BMI is around 78 and my doctor said he would try it lap but I may wake up with a larger incision. Has anyway over 400lbs had a lap surgery and if so was there any complication because of being so larger.    — Lori M. (posted on August 30, 2002)

August 30, 2002
Lori, A man in my support group weighed 450lb. and he's not much taller that me (I'm 5'5). I assume his BMI was around 70. Anyway, he had a very successful lap rny. I also read on here where a lady with a high BMI had lap successfully. I can't remember exactly, but I think the surgeon had to turn her several times during the procedure in order to best see what he was doing. I still say lap is safer in the long run (no hernias, less infections, and quicker recovery). Good luck!
   — Tina B.

September 2, 2002
Lori, My husband Bob's BMI was 76 and he weighed 560 and had LAp RNY on 1/29/02 and has NO complications and has lost 145 lbs. He is doing great. He is the largest person our surgeon has ever done LAP. We wish you all the best. Bob post-op LAP RNY -145 Bobbi pre-op 8/18/02
   — Bobbo

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