How long do you stay in the Hospital, some have said 2 days some 6 ????

   — lukimom (posted on October 12, 2002)

October 12, 2002
Me and my wife Jen both 2 days although my surgeons patients are getting out in 1.5 days now if they are doing good. Thats what I TRIED to let them do. Were both LAP opens tend to be in longer.
   — bob-haller

October 12, 2002
i was in for 7 nites. i had some complications that kept me there that long..... my pouch was swollen and just didn't go down as fast as it should....``
   — barbara A.

October 12, 2002
I had an open RNY and was in for 4 days. I had no complications.
   — Jenni K.

October 12, 2002
I was in the hopital only 37 hours for open RNY. I got to there at 6am on day one and left at 7pm on day 2.
   — Chris K.

October 12, 2002
It all depends on the surgery you are having and your surgeons typical protocol. I had my Open RNY late afternoon on a Thursday and was released from the hospital the following Monday morning. That is what my doc does for all of his patients - barring complications.
   — PaulaM

October 12, 2002
Every surgeon seems to have his/her own protocol for lenght of stay and even then it can depend on how well you're doing. My surgeon typically keeps his patients for 5 days. I pre-requested an out time of 3 days and since I was doing so well, he released me just a bit over 72 hours after surgery.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 12, 2002
I had a Lap RNY on a Friday and was released on Monday. I might have been released a day earlier had there not been a scheduling snafu that caused my leak test to be on Sunday instead of Saturday.
   — sandsonik

October 12, 2002
I had open rny and my hospital stay was 6 days (3 days ICU & 3 regular room). That's my surgeon's standard protocol. My stay could have been shorter. I was off pain meds by day 4 and had no complications. But I didn't mind staying longer, better safe than sorry. The short hospital stays worry me. Even if it's lap, it's still major abdominal surgery.
   — LisaTaz

October 12, 2002
Length of stay can depend on the surgeon's preference, the type of surgery, and the occurrence of any complicating factors. Our surgeon specializes in lap WLS and the standard hospital stay for his patients is two days. An open surgery will result in a slightly longer hospitalization. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

October 12, 2002
I was in for four days and did not have too many problems. Just some fever, alittle fluid in my lungs, and oozing at my incision. Nothing serious and all went away before the fourth day so I left on time.
   — Lawrence R.

October 12, 2002
LAP-RNY Tuesday morning October 8 at 8:30 AM. Released Thursday afternoon, October 10 2:30 PM.
   — Steve B.

October 13, 2002
I was in for 10 days (open RNY). A few complications including a bad bleed. Vast majority are 4 to 6 days, but be prepared for the unexpected. Best wishes.
   — Randy L.

October 13, 2002
I was the first surgery of the day, in at 8am on a Thursday. I ran a 100 degree fever everyday while in the hopsital, so, I was there a total of 6 days, was released on Tuesady morning...Open RNY 8/15
   — heathercross

October 13, 2002
I was in 4 days, 3 nights
   — Vicki L.

October 13, 2002
i had surgery on a tuesday left hospital on thursday and went back to work the following thursday good luck
   — shelly B.

October 13, 2002
Lap RNY. Surgery on Friday at 3 pm, out of hospital by noon on Sunday.
   — Cindy R.

October 13, 2002
Had open was in hospital for 6 days.
   — Christi S.

October 13, 2002
I had a lap BPD on a Monday.. had my leak test on Tuesday early, but my new tummy was slow to process the fluids and they had to retest. Because of this is took me longer to get off the morphine pump and onto the oral meds, so instead of three days, I stayed four, and I was VERY grateful for the extra day- not because I was in pain or anything, just because it was a comfort to know the nurses were there if I had any problems. ~Peace
   — Joscelin

October 13, 2002
   — JOAN D.

October 14, 2002
Your hospital stay depends on the type of surgery and whether you have any complications. I had Open RNY on Thursday, November 29, 2001 and was discharged from the hospital Tuesday, December 4. I would have been discharged a day earlier but I had injured my arthritic knee and the surgeon kept me an extra day to give me anti-inflammatory injections. But as far as the surgery itself was concerned I would have been in the hospital 4 days including the day of the surgery.
   — Patty_Butler

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