I am having pain in my lower left back.

I'm hoping this is from the surgery. I am running a low grade fever - just have chills...I'm only 3 days post-op.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on October 18, 2002)

October 18, 2002
Call your doctor, I was just discharged from hospital for a intra-abdominal abcess with symptoms of low back pain and low grade fever 100-101. It probably developed from a leak from my new stomach pouch. I was in the hospital for one week and am home on IV antibiotics. I'm not saying that is what you have, but don't wait around to see what happens. Good luck!
   — Cheryl J.

October 18, 2002
I second that notion. Call your surgeon asap, don't wait around for the pain to increase. Best of luck! -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 open RNY 7/17/01 -135
   — KimBo36

October 18, 2002
Call your surgeon!! A low grade fever could mean many things..None to be taken lightly so soon after surgery..Call him asap..Good luck......
   — Sharon1964

October 19, 2002
I have the same pain. I am 3 weeks post op. I was released from the hospitial after 3 days and I called the dr office the next day and they thought I had a kidney infection (I never had a temp) so they readmitted me and then they thought I had a leak. I went to the dr yesterday and I was told no leak, just my anatomy. I still have no ansxwers for my back pain except it could be a nerve that was bothered during surgery or a pulled muscle. It is getting better as the days go by but PLEASE call you dr. Like I said I never had a temp. Good luck
   — Debbie W.

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