Double Chin - is there an exercise or is surgery the only way????

I've been through the entire library twice and can't find much on double chins. I'm still heavy but want to get rid of this chin. I'm fairly short, have a short neck, a rounded face, and the double chin makes me look fat in the face, I mean much more than I do weigh! I hate it. I've been looking at lots of plus size models in catalogs. Although a scarse few look like me. Most of them have these perfect faces with NO hang below the chin. How do they do that? Is there an exercise that can target that area? Or is a lower face lift the only way? (FYI, I'm only 30 and not really wanting to consider a face lift at this age)    — Shelly S. (posted on November 14, 2002)

November 13, 2002
I had heard if you lay your head back alittle(to feel the tention) and do the A E I O U , it is suppose to help. I have been doing it and it seems to help. Try it, you don't have anything to loose but the 2nd chin. Take care.
   — sandy W.

November 13, 2002
I am right there with you! Starting with a BMI of 'only' 40-41, my neck and round face was bigger than many that weighed 200 lbs. more than I. All of my weight is carried up top (apple). I am thrilled to say that I have lost 5! inches from my neck, and STILL have a little problem there even at goal (149). I'm thinking that the lift would be the only answer. Mine is hereditary, exercises don't help me, but you could give them a try. Sorry I couldn't help you more, just wanted you to know that you were not alone. I asked a 'neck question' back when I was pre-op and didn't get many responses, and couldn't find much in the library either. With all this said, I do want to emphasize that I am MUCH happier with my neck at 13 inches than at 18!!
   — Cheri M.

November 13, 2002
I am one of the lucky ones who lost a ton of weight from my face and ended up with a skinny neck and no double chin ... but there are many people who store their fat their for some reason, even when they're very close to "goal." For example, look at Al Roker. Even though he's 20 lbs. to goal, he still has a sizeable double-chin. My opinion? Plastic surgery is the only way to solve this problem. You don't really have muscles in that area that you can exercise much, so you're probably just dealing with loose, flabby skin.
   — Terissa R.

November 13, 2002
i have that problem too i hate it! im thinking of seeing a surgeon for that but it scares me to death to have anything done to my face.....maybe there is a cream that can help? i was told face excersises but that dosnt really help in my opinion .... good luck ... if you find an answer please let me know!
   — Deanna Wise

November 13, 2002
I bought an exercise device called a Profile Toner. It is a hard rubber ball that fits under the chin. Mine came with a video that demonstrated the exercises. I believe it helped quite a bit. I am 53 and do have a bit of loose skin under my chin still, but NOTHING like what it was before. I will probably have a facelift sometime but this has worked pretty well. I saw it on a TV infomercial and ordered it, but you can find it online also if you do a google search, I'm sure. hugs, Ann rny 9/10/99 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 13, 2002
I have always struggled witha double chin even when I was skinny. I did at one point gaina nd lose forty pounds and lost my double chin too! This is what I did: Lay on your bed with your head towards the bottom (cannot have a footboard), line your shoulders evenly with the end of the mattress, this should leave your head with no support, then just slowly tuck your chin into your chest. Make sure to line up your teeth and jaw. This worked like heaven and I plan on starting this exorcise myself once again. Take care.
   — Red T.

November 14, 2002
Clinique makes an Anti-Gravity Cream that I have been using since I lost my double chin. Also no more wrinkles in the face. People are telling me how much younger I look. Combine this with neck exercises and it is not bad.
   — Sue A.

November 14, 2002
Shelly....I just wanted to say that I took Ann Alan's suggestion below and searched Google for the Profile Toner (thanks, Ann). You can find this product, and purchase it (I did) at: Since losing 85 lbs. I have gone from a double chin to a saggy chin (when I look in the mirror this is <b>all</b> I see, and I'm totally OBSESSED with looking at people's chins now), and I have to do something. No money for plastic surgery right now, so I'm going to give the Profile Toner a try. The before/after pictures on the site are impressive. Thanks again, Ann, for this suggestion. Hopefully it will work as well for me as it did for you. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 14, 2002
This exercise has helped me in the past. I learned about it when I was 14 and went to a Weight Watchers camp. I lean my head back and look upwards. Then I slightly open my mouth and thrust my Lower jaw outwards. (You should feel it pull when your head is back). Then what I do is pull my lower jaw towards my upper jaw (up & down) several times - while still thrusting out my lower jaw. It's a little hard to explain but you can really feel it pull when you open and close your mouth. I've started doing this several times a day and what's left of my double chin should get better quickly. :o)
   — Jennifer A.

November 14, 2002
I also do the Clinique Anti Gravity and the exercises listed by the others and something is working....Good Luck Sharon 05/13/02 310/210
   — Sharon H.

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