I need some to refresh my memory

Need to lists all my past diets - does anyone remember NurtiSystem from 1980's - I think I joined that but can't rmember their program. I do remember Jenny Craig and all the prepackage food I bought and ended up throwing away.    — Sally P. (posted on November 26, 2002)

November 25, 2002
Yes, I do remember the Nutri System Diet & Remember throwing away all there junk diet "food". You just ate there food not alot of anythig else and it all had a horrable (Befor)& after taste that I still can taste remembering it YUCK!!!!This Diet WAS one of the worst!& I'v tried them all... alot of Powder freeze dried "foods" & powder shakes ...alot Worse then jenny Craig, at least Jenny Craig the Pre-prepaired food was edable. did that one too alonge with the "Cookie Diet" another one of those kill yourself taking off little weight and gaining ALOT later. Im Pushing 448 Lbs. THANK GOD FOR THIS SURGERY!!!! December 18th YES!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! done maridia, phin-phin,slim fast,The great american diet (the guy in the bus "Lose weight eat All you want" ...yea right ...)don't forget Herbal life done that too!..... and others that I dont give any credit too either ..... good Luck and GOD BLESS Arnie
   — Arnold J.

November 25, 2002
Nutri-systems was alot like Jenny C. You bought their food and their supplements. I tried Nutri Bolic, they didn't sell the food, just the dried packets of supplements. also...I signed yesterday and was 2671....
   — ginny W.

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