Anyone willing to share a long-term post-op scar pic?

Anyone willing to share a long-term post-op scar pic? I've seen several pics from new surgeries, but I'm curious about what the scar might look like in a couple of years...any brave souls out there?    — Kimberly S. (posted on January 3, 2003)

January 2, 2003
Open or lap? Big difference! I had lap and 10 months later, they are small raised white lines, about 1/2 an inch long.
   — Cindy R.

January 2, 2003
I'll be on year out on January 24th and I had open...e-mail me if you want a pic. :)
   — Paula Prichard

January 3, 2003
I had Lap 10 weeks ago 4 of my scars look like pencil points and you can hardly see the other 2 look like scratches an inch and an inch and a half--
   — Marie R.

January 3, 2003
Hello. I got such an overwhelming response for my scar pics...don't worry, I will send one to everyone, just give me a day! :)
   — Paula Prichard

January 3, 2003
It's hard to say what anyone's scar will look like after surgery. So, I am not sure I would want to look at pics as a pre-op. It might A) Get my hopes up or B) Scare the crap out of me. I had an Open RNY, but my scar is under three inches and at 10 1/2 months a very fine, ever-so-slightly- raised skin colored line. I know other's who have had Open and are cut far longer, some people scar differently too. Anyway, it doesn't matter, by then end of this month, that scar will be gone and I'll have a fresh hip to hip incision from my body lift and TT. NOT looking forward to it.
   — PaulaM

January 3, 2003
im a year out and can have hubby snap a pic if your still interested let me know, i have a digital camera so it wont take that long!
   — Deanna Wise

January 3, 2003
My wls scar is now in a landfill with 8 lbs of my old skin. My abdominoplasty scar is shaped like an upside down T, and is very faint, looks like it was drawn on with a white pencil. The most interesting part is my belly button, which looks like it has been drawn all the way around with the same white pencil. I'd take a photo, but I am sure it would be too faint to see.
   — Cara F.

January 3, 2003
Thanks to all of you willing to share your pics. I feel better now that I've seen what I'm going to be dealing with. Smiles, Kimberly
   — Kimberly S.

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