What is a Liver Shrinking diet and can some one give me a copy?

Also, is there anyone out there who has had VBG and been sucessful? I am 5 weeks post-op and it doesn't seem like I am losing any weight and I am so depressed. Please help if you can-I need some support!    — Javelle O. (posted on January 15, 2003)

January 15, 2003
My Dr tells me that to shrink your liver, esp in preparation for surgery, to follow the Atkins diet. Which is low carbs.(No bread,pasta,potato,fruit)
   — Leslie E.

January 15, 2003
My Dr. said to eat this: All the lean chicken, turkey, fish, shell fish and lean red meat. Baked, broil, grill only 2 cups lettuce , Walden farms dressings AND 1/2 cup broccoli OR green beans Tea, water crystal lite and seasonings It has been great and I've got 2 weeks under my belt.LOL
   — Jerrie P.

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