Isn't 9oz WAAAAAAY big (cottage cheese test)?

Tell me what to do? Can I do anything? Tell me this is okay.Is this why I'm hungry all the time at 4+months out? Should I call my doctor?    — Debby M. (posted on January 22, 2003)

January 22, 2003
I'm not an expert by any means, but it does sound big. But the cottage cheese test isn't fool proof either. I never did it and have no idea what my pouch size is, but at 8 months post-op, I know that i cannot eat more than 3 oz at a time. I usually eat about 2oz per meal, and I find that fills me, but not overfills me. How much dense food can you eat? I mean if you can eat 9oz of chicken, that's a problem, but I doubt you can. I wouldn't worry too much. If you're very concerned call your doc and ask about it. Goodluck!
   — Lezlie Y.

January 22, 2003
Hi Debby, I am almost 1 yr post-op, down 94 lbs. I took the cottage cheese test recently, and I could intake about 6 oz. But, I want to say, I have been hungry MOST of the time since my surgery! And that's very discouraging, especially when you read that others aren't hungry. I think there was only one period in the past year that I had to remember to eat. Now, I'm back to thinking about what and when I can eat. The old mind game. Something else I wanted to mention is that a while back someone explained about people's "stoma" being larger than others and that allows more food to be taken in than others. Reading this relieved me (only a little though) because I simply thought I was a failure. And the last thing I wanted to mention is that it took me until now, a year post-op, to really know when I am "full". It is such a learning experience. I wish you the best of luck. Don't get discouraged, just keep track of what you are taking in ( is a good site to help with keeping track) and remember to get in plenty of protein and exercise.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 22, 2003
I would call you doctor and have him order an "Upper GI" test. I also did the 'cottage cheese' test...cause from day one I felt I could overeat. At the time the doctor 'assumed' that because I wasnt throwing up, I wasnt overeating.. After doing the cottage cheese test myself (I stopped after eating 1 1/2 cups... the doctor ordered the Upper GI test. What IT showed, was that I had 'no pouch function' (PRE OPS this CAN happen with an RNY and its something the doctors DO NOT TELL YOU). The opening that was made from my new pouch is too big, so food just goes directly from the espogus to the intestines... Result: "unlimited" eating... This does NOT affect the malabortion part of your RNY so you will continue to loose weight (as long as you 'diet').
   — star .

January 22, 2003
Doesn't it state on the guidelines for the test that size can be from 6-14 ounces and over longterm stuides those sizes had no remarkable differences as far as weight loss and maintenance? I think mine was 7 1/2 and I haven't noticed any problems. You have to realize SOME of the cottage cheese will go ahead and pass through while you are still eating.
   — Virginia N.

January 22, 2003
Hi there. I don't put much into that cottage cheese test. I tried it once and almost gobbled down the whole container, the only thing that stopped me was the shear fact that I was gagging horribly over the last few bites. Not because I was filled up, but the taste was making me sick (and I like cottage cheese, just in small amts). With that said, I'm loosing just fine. I'm now 18 months post and about 8 lbs to goal (I've lost 149lbs). I've been hungry from month 1 and I control the hunger by EATING. However, I make low cal/low fat food choices and watch my portion size. If I do over eat I feel pain (so much for being able to eat a bunch of mushy cheese) and I do dump if I eat too much sugar. Call your surgeons if you have major worry over this, maybe they can do something a little more accurate. Best wishes to you.-Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -149
   — KimBo36

January 23, 2003
I was hungry all the time right from the beginning. Being hungry or not hungry is not what matters. Are you losing weight? Focus on results. If you are working out, drinking water, and losing weight, the fact that you can eat cottage cheese (which goes down easy for me) is not that big a deal. If you are not losing weight, then you may want to talk to your doctor. Good Luck to you.
   — Cara F.

January 23, 2003
I have never done the cottage cheese test, but I believe I could eat at least a cup. I have always had hunger. Some of my peers have told me that they never feel hungry or that they rarely do, that's not the case for me. That said, however, to reassure you, I am at goal today. I am 7 months out, I have lost 102 lbs, and though I definately get hungry, I can control myself now. You can be successful even without that "I never feel hungry" feeling!
   — cjabates

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