So what now?

I'm almost to my goal weight. People can't believe I still want to lose another 25 pounds. So I look good in my clothes, but underneath, it's a nightmare. My pre-WLS relationship fell apart a year post-op and I'm faced with the whole dating scene again. I'm terrified. Someone who just had a tummy tuck told me that they wouldn't do one if you wanted to have children? Is there any truth to this? I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and hard place. Like no one is going to be attracted to this body enough to want to have children with what do I do?    — Robin O. (posted on January 29, 2003)

January 29, 2003
Optimal results from a tummy tuck would be best after one is finished having kids, but if you like me I look like a world class champion shar pei puppy the sooner the better :) The ps I spoke to said better the have the excess ( if its really excessive) off pre pregnancy if its causing rashes hernia and the like its a preference thing but one other bit of info after a tt best to wait a year to 18 months to try and get pregnant.
   — Laurie B.

January 29, 2003
Do you really want to have be with someone who only cares about you for the way you look?.....much less have children with that person. If you meet a good person they won't care about the outside, but will care about what is inside.
   — DRutherford

January 30, 2003
I was divorced, and met my current live-in boyfriend 1.5 years post-op. I had hanging skin. I told him about the surgery, I told him about my wish to have abdomnioplasty. He was so understanding, and even stated that he did not want me to have the tt since he loved me just as I was, but also stated that he understood that it was something I needed to do for myself. The point? If the person you date is a worthy and respectfull person, they will not judge you because of your past weight, nor the extra skin. In regard of having children after having a tt. I would definately wait until you have had children. I had a tt/lipo eight weeks ago, and I would not want to go through that again if my life depended on it, and not especially if I had a tt, then had children, and then elected once again to have another tt. It is expensive, it is painful, and to just would not be worth it. Believe me when I tell you....I thought no-one would be attracted to me with the extra skin, but I was wrong. You will find that there are some super-great people that could care less about the extra fact, as long as you are happy, that is all that a "keeper" will care about.
   — twenc

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