Does Anyone else have excessive Bubbling (noises) in their Stomachs?

Ok this may sound funny...but since my surgery my stomach has been making these noises, almost like Bubbling...especially when my stomach likes the food I'm eating. My stomach does not make these noises when I eat something my stomach doesn't like. This is when I usually get sick to my stomach. Anyone else experience this or is it just me? My kids always say "Mom, I hear your tummy, it's happy" lol Open RNY 09/30/02 -110lbs    — EMN (posted on March 6, 2003)

March 6, 2003
YES!!!!!!This happened to me all the time for the first 3 weeks post-op. I'm now 5 weeks post-op and it does it with things I like or water. I talked to my surgeon and support group and it seems to be normal. Although, it is embarassing at times. Mine sounds like a whale song LOL>>>>
   — Candy G.

March 6, 2003
Yes, mine bubbles mostly when I take vitamins of any kind. since it is transient and not uncomfortable, I don't worry about it.
   — Darlene P.

March 6, 2003
I had my surgery Sept 3rd 02, my tummy makes loud bubbly noises all the time, sometimes more just before I need the bathroom etc. My doctor told me it will be like this for ever, and not to worry!
   — Tinadelve

March 6, 2003
Ellen, YES!! I thought I was the only one! It seems mine does it if I eat or drink too fast. Candy, your description made me crack up!! I couldn't think of how to describe the sound, but that was perfect: whale song!!lol
   — Margaret B.

March 6, 2003
i think its absolutely hilarious!! my tummy just talkssssss away whenever somethings goin down LOL people think im weird coz i use a toy stethoscope from my nephews DR bag sometimes to listen to it..weird i know but its interesting to hear!
   — christine S.

March 6, 2003
I have it all the time. It's not a growling, but bubbling. Sometimes it's very loud and embarrassing. My youngest daughter says the same. She thinks it's funny!
   — dolphins94

March 6, 2003
Thanks to you all I actually can say I feel "Normal"! And Candy? The whale song was the perfect description! Maybe it's the fellow WLS pouch song? lol
   — EMN

March 6, 2003
So funny you bring this up. I am at work right now and while I was talking to an owner on the phone, the gurgling started! This happens with me all the time. Its like my stomach is "growling" but <i>after</i> I eat, not before!! I too tell others that my pouch is happy when this happens!.....Karen (lap rny 5 1/2 months post-op- down 114 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

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