Preop Stomach/Ab Muscle Workout-Helpful

I read all the posts about general weight loss preop, but I'm curious to know if anyone really tried to build up stomach muscle and if it helped...I've been trying to focus really hard on my stomach/abs at my gym, thinking that the more muscle I have built up there, the easier the recovery. Annie. Completing Pre-op Testing. 243lbs. BMI 39.2. High Cholesterol, GERD, Genetic marker for heart disease. BCBS/PPO Massachussets.    — Annie F. (posted on April 2, 2003)

April 2, 2003
I think the healthier you are, the better off you are, no matter what. I didn't specifically do ab work, because I have a hernia(s), but I was as healthy as I could be, when I had surgery. I've had a textbook recovery with no problems. I haven't even puked once. I also wanted to tell you that I started off at 242, and I've lost 50lbs so far. Good luck to you!!
   — Diana L.

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