Where can I find "Pouch Rules For Dummies"?

New to the computer above article and had to go out before I could copy it for others to read and to really help me get a handle on things as surgery is the 23rd.    — Maryellen M. (posted on April 19, 2003)

April 19, 2003
There are various spots that you can find it at (wonders of the Internet *G*). One URL is JR
   — John Rushton

April 19, 2003
On the gallery page of this site under obesity news scroll way down and there you will see it. It is on the right side of your screen.
   — Delores S.

April 19, 2003
couldn't find this on the gallery page today after I posted. Looks like they have re-done it. It was there a few days ago. Sorry for the misinfo.
   — Delores S.

April 19, 2003
Easiest way to find things if you can't fine them on here is go to any search engine site, such as and type in "pouch rules for dummies" there a bazillion links on the's easy to find just about anything :) here is the link for it
   — [Deactivated Member]

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