Diet history

I am going though the process of getting my insurance appoved for this surgery. I am on Medical Assistance in Minnesota. I have a concerned as I work on my diet history. Most of my diets have not been with a doctor or anyone like that.. Is this going to hurt my chances to have this? Also, I don't really remember all the diets that I have been on.. The list I have so far has about eight of them on it.. Is that to small? is it going to hurt my chances?    — Dianna S. (posted on May 10, 2003)

May 9, 2003
I am not familiar with your insurance but I would think that 8 diets would be enough. I used weight watchers, fen-phen, slim-fast, Atkins diet... so it does not have to be with a Dr.
   — Rhonda S.

May 9, 2003
Rhonda(SP trying from memory) Thank you for posting about slim fast!! I forgot, but I tried that one too.. *LOL* I will have to add it to my list
   — Dianna S.

May 10, 2003
I had to provide my insurance company with diet attempts. I thought that I would never remember them all. I am in my 40's so once I thought about it, I realized that I had dieted all of my life. 8 should be enough, however, you may want to list your app weight when you started, the amount of any weight you lost, how long you tried to stay on the diet and how much you gained back (most people gain it back with extra). Also include what year you were on the diet if you can remember. This will show that you took that diet seriously. It also shows that while you took the weight off, you couldn't keep it off. Best of luck
   — M B.

May 10, 2003
Maggie, I was just working on that to be honest.. *LOL* I have it for the last five years at least, but I have went back slightly further to when I was still in my teenage years..
   — Dianna S.

May 10, 2003
I would also like to add to go to your primary care physician and have him start you on a diet right away, that way while you're going through the pre-op testing and waiting to meet with you're surgeon, the clock on the 3 or 6 month diet requirement will start ticking :). Best of luck. Terri
   — tinky471

May 10, 2003
On my diet history I went all the way back to 2nd grade when the nurse would weigh me every week, then yell at me for eating what they gave me for lunch...totally messed up. But I also wanted to point out how long I had been overweight. I had never done WW, Jenny Craig or anything that cost money, because I was a kid and we didn't have money for extra and I knew (or at least told myself) those things never work. I did try Richard Simmons Deal a Meal, I even met him! But still nothing worked until I hit complete bottom and realized major changes needed to be made if I wanted to live.
   — Sarahlicious

May 10, 2003
I have been over wheight my whole life, and I currently have went back till I was 15 when a doctor gave me a perscribed diet.. I'm more than sure that I have been on others before them, but I don't remember them.. I know that my mom said that this has been a life long battle for me.. Maybe I should try her memory on other diets that I have tired.. *LOL* Do you think I should ask for one from the PCP terri? I mean it could not hurt anything,a nd it would show that I am trying to lose wheight..
   — Dianna S.

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