Has anyone taken diet pills when you reached a plateau?

I'm at 6 months and my weight loss is almost at a standstill. This week I started taking Metabolife pills and they are really curbing my munchies. I've lost 91 pounds to date....started out at 304 and down to 213 but I'm only losing a pound a week. I workout 5 days a week and walk 3 days a week. I haven't checked with my doctor about the pills. Has anyone else done this?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on May 15, 2003)

May 15, 2003
I will never understand why people go through wls to end up using diet pills in the end...My advice would be, to stop taking that stuff, let your tool work for you and you work with it and beleive you me you will succeed and lose the weight your body desires....give yourself a chance because by the sound of it your doing great thus far.....
   — Deanna Wise

May 15, 2003
I'm interested to see what people say to this. I'm 9 months and have essentially been at a standstill since 6. I've been considering some type of additional aid as well....
   — jen41766

May 15, 2003
I guess pills are fine if you plan to spend the rest of your life on them, because as soon as you stop, you'll regain (didn't we learn this before WLS)? Not to mention whatever awful health impact and side effects these pills have in the short and long run. Every time I see this question, it's from somebody who hasn't told their doctor they're doing this. If you're doing something that has to be kept secret from your doctor, you're not helping your health (and you know it). Sorry to be so huffy (and yes, I admit, this is pretty darned huffy of me), but I really hate the diet pill industry and how they prey on people. It's depressing to see that that they still take advantage of some folks even after WLS, too.
   — Suzy C.

May 15, 2003
1lb. a week is still wonderful. I know its hard to realize that after you're used to losing 10, 20lbs a month. But could you have done this well before? Believe me, i know its frustrating, but you will lose more weight. After 6 mnths, our bodies just slow down, there isn't much you can do about it, afterall you're exercising alot and getting in alot of protein I assume. Just let your new tool work for you, it probably won't let you down as long as you continue to work with it as well. I strongly urge against diet pills. Most contain ephedra (or ephedra-like products) which could give you an early heart attack or cause so many other problems. And our pouches are sooo sensitive and small, that we're not even supposed to take advil, let alone a diet pill. I know the effects medication can have on a pouch- cause ulcers, I even had a perforation. Not from diet pills, but from others that were deemed "safe." I jsut want you to be safe. Patience is the key- I think you will still lose alot more weight- just slower than you want. Our window is 18 mnths- you still have a year to go. Goodluck to you
   — Lezlie Y.

May 15, 2003
Before you take diet pills - and I'm not dissing them, just not for them either! - I'd suggest taking your measurements weekly along with your weigh-in. I'd bet that you will find loss on the tape measure. You're exercise your little butt off - so hey you may be trading fat for muscle so the weight-loss may not SHOW on the scale, but it likely will by measuring. Good luck and enjoy your successes!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 15, 2003
I rarely take any but I'm two years out and still 30+ from goal and a NORMAL BMI range so I'm going to use some. I've only found "one diet pill" that does'nt bother my heart (Ultimate Slim by They helped 18 months ago when I plateaued at 6 months out. I'm desparate and I'm using them again, but I'm also seeing a dietician as I want to eat right too. (Why have WLS if we don't eat right?). I don't want to rely on pills, but I've found that taking 1/2 dose for a few days starts my loss and then I quit. Heck, I've had the same bottle for over two years and most of the pills are still there. Anyway, sometimes wls needs alittle help. imho.
   — Danmark

May 16, 2003
Maybe someone a few years out can consider diet pills but at 6 months post-op you are so far from the end of losing that you should not even consider them! Your doing awesome at 91 lost and still losing a pound a week. It is supposed to slow down after 6 months or so, but please, let the tool do its work and don't get frustrated. Continue to eat right, exercise as your doing now, drink tons of water, and enjoy the ride.
   — Cindy R.

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