Does everyone need to have surgery for the excess skin? Can you do it w/ Exercise?

I am scared about having all this excess skin and having to have surgery again to take it off and with insurance not covering it not having the money to do it. Will the skin ever tighten up without surgery, with like special exercises??    — Joel K (posted on June 24, 2003)

June 24, 2003
i have read another question like that and the replies were stating that the exercise will not help not this is not a fact but it is what i read because i would like to know also well good luck

June 24, 2003
It's just not predictable. It's so different from person to person. I say its best to have a lot of excess skin vs not enough for the insurance to approve. You know, that gray area. Exercise does help but doesn't eliminate all of it. Best of luck!
   — ZZ S.

June 24, 2003
Some insurance companies will cover the cost if it is medically necessary. For instance if the skin is sagging alot and you start breaking out with rashes or should I say Yeast infections. Yes, Yeast infections, in the folds of your skin. It is definitely something to check out.
   — lphillips001

June 25, 2003
Unfortunately, my skin hasn't tightened up at all after 20 months. The only good thing I can say is at least my face wasn't affected. It looks fine. My neck is a totally different story though!!! The rest of my body has went WAY south. I've already had a tt and my arms will be done on Friday. I'm saving for my thighs next.
   — Patty H.

June 25, 2003
Whether you have excess skin is mostly determined by genetics and age. Exercize can build muscle that will fill up the hanging skin a bit, which can make things look better, but no amount of exersize, water, protein, vitamins or slow weight loss (I was a slow loser) would have tightened up my pannis which hung waaaaay over my private parts (not sure how to put that delicately! :) Some people won't need reconstructive surgery, but if it's medically necessary, your insurance should cover it.
   — mom2jtx3

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