Has anyone had problems donating blood as a post-op?

I just went to give blood and was told I could not until I was a year out. The girl that was asking had no clue of what to do when I told her I had WLS. I did not think that this surgery would have anything to do with giving blood. Has anyone else been refused? I am five months out. - Marcy    — Marcy S. (posted on June 24, 2003)

June 24, 2003
My doctor says once you have WLS you can never give blood again, because it will take you so long to regenerate the blood you gave. But I know other Dr's say you can still donate.
   — jen091172

June 24, 2003
Marcy, We have a blood drive here at work every year. I was told when I had knee surgery that I should not give for a year after any surgery. Hope this helps
   — debbie11092002

June 24, 2003
I was told that I could never donate blood again because post wls, we don't have the "binding factor" whatever that is.
   — Delores S.

June 24, 2003
I donated 6 months post-op and had absolutely no problems. The only requirements the donation center had was "no surgery w/in the last 6 months".
   — Angie M.

June 24, 2003
According to the American Red Cross website, you can donate blood a few days after your sutures have healed. However, you would have to wait 12 mos. if you received a transfusion during surgery. See the Red Cross at:
   — SteveColarossi

June 24, 2003
I specifically asked this question of my surgeon's group, and was told to wait until I was at least a year out. It's sort of a bummer - I am now 4.5 months out, feel fantastic, and would love to give - especially now that we're in such a blood crisis...
   — johanniter

June 24, 2003
Personally, I dont think it is a good idea for us to donate blood after wls. I have a friend, who was more than a year post op after the 9=11 attacks.. that donated blood. She has had severe problems with her iron levels since and had to take a few iron infusions to bring them up.. She was told that we just dont re manufacture blood like before wls and that we should never donate.. If you feel that you must donate.. give money , or go volunteer to take info at a blood drive.. something that will be helpful but not cause you long term problems Hugs,
   — Gina Landers

June 24, 2003
I just donated last week. No problem at all. You should wait till you are a year out. I happen to also be a volunteer for them. is the promo....GIVE BLOOD! (if you can) Please however, make sure your labs are good. You do not want to take a chance. Also, they will try to give you something with sugar in it afterwards...I always take a protein bar. (16 months post-op, -168)
   — Oldsoul

June 25, 2003
if you've had surgery, a tatoo, been in jail or a treatment facility they make you wait a year to donate blood or plasma. Weird but understandable. I was told by my surgeon I should never count on donating blood again as it takes to much to rehydrate us and replenish the platlets in our blood after donating.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 25, 2003
On June 2nd (I was about 4 1/2 months postop then) I was able to donate without any problems. You might have to be careful after you donate as the people that operate the blood drive usually serve snacks with sugar in them. It wasnt a problem with me because where I donated they also had 1/2 sandwiches and I just had one of them. Maybe you can bring a snack of your own from home. Good Luck!
   — Kris T.

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