I have an orientation date,caseworker appt.and appt with surgeon,now what?

I go see the surgeon on July 24th. I have orientation class and appointment with a case worker on August 7th. I've started losing the weight. Now what happens and how soon should I expect to have actual surgery?    — Brenda Diane D. (posted on June 25, 2003)

June 25, 2003
Honey... it could be a month, it could be six months, it could be a year. Every one is different. Don't start fretting about it though. Everything comes together in the end! :~) Even those size 10's!! LOL! You need to get your diet history chart created, your co-morbidity list made, your insurance letter written, take the MMPI if your insurance requires it... ask your insurance company what you need for approval. They will help some... read my first profile: sharon brittain for a great list of co-morbidities and an insurance letter you can talyor to your own needs, okay! If you need help with the rest, just email me! :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

June 25, 2003
Congrats! You are on your way! I am coming up on surgery quick (7/11/03), and would advise you to ask your surgeon for a timetable of events: tests for insurance approval, H Pylori test, etc, and keep on top of it... my surgery date was moved back several times for various reasons and I just about let some of the details slip by...
   — Tim W.

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