What can I do to help avoid excess loose skin, in addition to protein?

Okay.. A little about me.. I'm 26 years old, weigh 328 lbs., I'm 5'3, have a surgery date of July 18th 2003, having open RNY, and I want to know, where is all this skin going, when I start dropping the lbs. This is a big concern for me.. I'd like to know what any and everyone recommends as far as what I can do to avoid having so much skin (hanging loose skin).. I plan to exercise, and do the protein.. But in addition to that, what else can I do? What have all of you tried? And what has failed? And what has worked? I know I can't be the only one that has had this concern. I'm trying not to be so vain, but if I'm going so far as to be cut open to help lose the weight, I want to look good afterwards.. Help!!!    — KGreer8942 (posted on July 7, 2003)

July 6, 2003
Kimberly, everyone has this issue. Unfortunately, aside from regular exercise and plenty of protein, there's not much we can do about it. I am not yet halfway to goal, and I already have some loose skin hanging on my thighs and panni. That's why you see so many successful long-tern post ops who have to have plastic surgery. Some insurance companies will cover it, depending on medical necessity and how low it hangs. (as gross as that sounds) Some don't need it, depending on how big they start out; and you might not. Either way, I try to look at it as a positive. I'd rather have it hanging empty post op than not have had the surgery and have it still in rolls of fat, just riding a little higher. :O) Good luck to you with your surgery!
   — Becky K.

July 6, 2003
Exercise, weight training .. will help with the loose skin. I started exercising a couple of months ago (I'm pre-op)hoping that will help too rather than waiting until after surgery. Any movement is better than no movement at all, so start now.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 6, 2003
Kim, the best thing you could ahve done to avoid excess loose skin you have already dont...You are having this wonderful surgery before your 30th birthday. Skin loses its elasticity with age and depending on your genetics, it can get even tougher the older you get. I think the advice every one has given here so far is right on the money...go, have a great recovery and next year at this time, you'll be wolf bait!
   — merri B.

July 6, 2003
I am 5'5 was 267 and now am 144 and I am 27 yrs old. I had open rny 9mo ago and each month my skin skrinks up a little more. I am going to try to get insurance to pay for a TT b/c my skin keeps ripping under my fold just like it did when I was heavy and it hurts!!! I have tried all the lotions, vitamins, rubbing, water and plenty of weights, did'nt seem to make a difference. My skin is really not too bad, but it is taking it's time to catch up. I know it will never be the same, but I am so happy and I look small and tight in clothes lol. I have been having so much fun and you will too and the skin will be the last thing on your mind! Good luck to you:o)
   — Sandy M.

July 7, 2003
I have been going to CURVES for Woman and exercising before and after my surgery.(granted before the surgery I could only go around 1 time)That provides cardio and strengh training. I was 400 lbs when I had my surgery 11 months ago, and I have lost 155 to date. The only place I sag right now is the underside of my arms. I am starting to use light weights to help with that.
   — Nancy B.

July 8, 2003
I have lost 110 lbs and the exercise has helped my Arms and Legs but the Tummy is a lost cause. It is loose and flabby. Tummy control panties help alot and 1 pieces under dresses. The bathing suit is also a Tummy control with skirt. But I was 258 size 24/26 now I am 148 and wear 10/12... So will deal with the skin that I have. Most people say it is not bad but I think it is horrible... I go to Curves for women and feel the best there.
   — Theresa B.

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