Did you find an abdominal binder to be helpful post-op?

I MADE IT THROUGH!!! I just got home today, and already lost 2 lbs! I'm adjusting to the changes in my body (mostly, not caring about whether to eat or not), but others as well: now that the tight bandages have been removed over my sutures, i'm finding getting up, rolling out of bed, even posture issues (i'm having a hard time standing straight, almost like my abdominal muscles have gone into a permanent "crunch" position) all to be difficult. I also feel more pain in the muscles without the support of the bandages, and am concerned (more permanently) about having continued posture issues. Did anyone end up buying a binder, and was it helpful? For the time being, I've fashioned a make-shift binder from am outgrown old dress found from the items to go to goodwill bag, and planned on visiting our drugstore tomorrow. Just wanted some opinions, please! OPEN RNY 7/10/03, BMI = 43, POUNDS LOST 2.6 (I know, it's a measly amount to record for a loss, but it's MY measly loss!)    — sweetmana (posted on July 10, 2003)

July 10, 2003
Congratulations - You're a loser :) I'm 4 weeks post-op today and my surgeon (at a Bariatric Treatment Center) require you to use the binder for 2 weeks, then continue to use it as you feel necessary (ex. riding in a car) Like you, I also had difficulty standing straight up for about a week or so. It will get easier. Anyway, I'm sure you'll get a variety of opinions, but I would definitely buy a binder if I were you. They're about $30.00.
   — Carolyn M.

July 10, 2003
I wore my binder faithfully for the first 4 weeks then I started wearing it when I was doing a lot moving around. At six weeks I no longer use it.
   — Starrlina

July 10, 2003
Hi, I'm 17 days post-op. My Dr, does not use them. I really have not had any problems, sometimes you can feel the pull but most often i'm fine. Good luck!
   — luckyflowers

July 10, 2003
I had open RNY in January. The hospital uses a binder. It was my best friend!!! I too could not stand upright for awhile. Can't say how long. Seems like an eternity ago. But as I healed and got stronger, I was more upright. No problems today. I wore the binder for quite awhile. It was a source of comfort. I also think I became psychologically "addicted" to it so it took longer for me to "get rid of it". It is gone now though and I am doing well. And from what I was told, 2 pounds at your stage is good. I was told people usually gain in the hospital becaus of all the fluids (IV) they pump into you. The weight will start coming off fast. Good luck. Keep us informed. Linda
   — Linda B.

July 10, 2003
I didnt have a binder when I had my open RNY; BUT my doctor used a binder when I had my tummy tuck. The binder made the TT easier and less painfull. I think it would have been easier if I had had one with the RNY. You might want to call your doctor. My binder had a label on it that it was 'illegal' to have without a doctors order. So to get a 'good' one you might need a prescription.
   — star .

July 11, 2003
I am two weeks postop today from open RNY. I saw my doctor yesterday, and he told me to get a binder and wear it as much as possible now that I am more active. I got one at CVS pharmacy on the way home, and I am wearing it now. It is very comfortable and it allows me to do a lot of things w/o feeling like I am shifting everything around inside. Just did some cleaning and it really seemed to help to have it on. I plan to do as he said and wear it as much as possible.
   — DebT

July 11, 2003
I regret that I did'nt have one post op. I think it would have made it all so much for easy.
   — Danmark

July 11, 2003
Yes, definately! I wore my binder till 5 weeks post-op lap RNY. I had post-op pneumonia so it helped me with the coughing. It helped with bending and reaching too. Best of luck in your journey!
   — adeas

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