How did Big Pete die?...and

do any of you worry a little about how healthy we will all be in 5 years or so?    — Patra R. (posted on July 13, 2003)

July 13, 2003
Hi, Big Pete died of Congestive Heart Failure, due to an enlarged heart as a result of so many years of obesity. Yes, I wonder about the long-term results of this. But, I know that without this chance to become healthy now, that in 5 years or so I would be either wheelchair bound/and or on insulin for diabetes. My grandmother is a severe brittle diabetic, and I see myself in her chair if I don't stop this now. Since I have arthritis in my feet, ankles, knees and back, it's extremely difficult for me to exercise. I look forward to being able to be more active as the weight starts coming off. It won't be easy in the beginning, but if I want to have any quality of life, I feel this is what I have to do. Life is short, and the Lord could take me at any time for any reason. I want to make the most out of what I have, and that's why I decided to have this surgery. I'm not "being all I can be" at this point. But I have a positive outlook, and if something happens, that's just the way it is meant to be.
   — Moysa B.

July 13, 2003
Pete's death was do to his obesity, and the long term stress on his heart, not the WLS. He was marked not to have a long life, but losing all of his weight he was able to live life. If he would not have had the surgery he may have died sooner and would never been able to leave his home. He went scuba diving the week or so before his death. I have so many problems, that if I live a full life for 5 more years, I will be celebrating it every day.
   — cindy

July 13, 2003
I worry all the time. I"m glad I had WLS but I traded one set of problems for another. 2 years post op and NO ENERGY, arthris is worse and spreading, my memory has gone to hell in a handbasket and other things. Yeah, I'm not counting on being here in 5 years... but who knows. I did what I had to do, as I could'nt have gone on much longer without wls. We can't know the future and have to do the best we can. :)
   — Danmark

July 13, 2003
Well, I'll be 4 years out in August, and I'm healthier than I've ever been in my life. I know you newbies are facing the unknown, and sh*t happens, but for the vast majority of us, life gets so much better as we get so much healthier. And, it's not just my new found good health that's so incredible, it's the superior quality of that life that I now have. I'll be 51 in September, and I have absolutely no doubt that I will live far longer and far better than I would have had I not had WLS. Good luck to all!
   — Leslie F.

July 14, 2003
I was one of Pete's closest friends. I was also in the process of writing his book for him when he died. Which I am working with his family to finish. Pete knew he was dying. When he had his surgery he was over 800 pounds. He had been that size for several years. He heart was enlarged from the massive weight. When he called to schedule his surgery it was a Monday the scheduled him for Wednesday and the doctors weren't sure if he would even make it to then because his heart was so bad. At the time that he died he knew he only had about two months left and wanted to really live it up. And that is exactly what he did. His last week was spent with me on a cruise to the Bahamas we went swimming, jet skiing, diving, and just had fun. We came back on Monday night. I saw him on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday he never called me or returned my calls or emails. He had passed away sitting at his computer doing what he always did emailing one of us providing support. Statistically a new report came out from Dartmouth College about 6 months ago, on average Weight Loss Surgery will increase a persons life by 3 1/2 years. A little over a year ago I was nearly 300 pounds and wearing a size 24. I had type II diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesteral at the age of 31. A year later I am about 139 pounds, I wear a size 4 my diabetes is gone, by blood pressure is normal and my cholesteral is fine. Not only will I live a longer and healthier life now but also a much more active one. Read My profile for more information. And also check out Petes website at
   — Linda A.

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