How come my doc doesn't think absorption will be an issue for my meds?

Hi! Just wondering if anyone else's doc seemed unconcerned about their absorption of meds post-op and whether or not it actually BECAME an issue? I take synthroid, wellbutrin and ditropan, and my doctor didn't think i should crush my meds, EVEN THOUGH the lortab PILL FORM he prescribed to me for pain post-op was not breaking down (I had to get another prescription for the elixir, which worked just fine). I'm especially concerned about my thyroid meds being absorbed - many of the body's systems will be thrown out of whack if i'm not getting enough thyroid hormone. Both the doctor and his PA (whom i usually see) tend to blow off or downplay post-op concerns, and i want to find out if there are any others out there whom this actually happened to. Thanks! (OPEN RNY 7/7/03 227.6/212.6/135)    — sweetmana (posted on July 22, 2003)

July 22, 2003
hiya~ this happened to me with estrogen replacement therapy pills -- they were not being dissolved all the way and my estrogen got out of whack. you can do a "spit" test to see if your pill will dissolve: add a little warm water (like 2 tbls) and a mouth full of spit (sorry if it sounds gross) to a cup, drop your pill in and it should dissolve within 20 minutes. because of the lack of stomach acid in our pouches, pills need to dissolve with just the digestive agents in our mouth so if the "spit" test works, you can be secure that your pill will dissolve in your pouch. good luck! kate
   — jkb

July 22, 2003
Be sure that none of your meds are time-released. RNYers don't have the stomach acid it takes for these to work. In particular, I know that the Wellbutrin comes in a time-released/sustained-release version.
   — ctyst

July 22, 2003
You CAN crush synthroid, it says so right in the product pharmacy info. They even recommend crushing it for small kids and putting it in a teaspoon of applesauce. I don't mind chewing it. I have been on Sythroid for a year because half of my thyroid was removed due to tumors. Just before my RNY surgery they found more tumors on the other thyroid half, so synthroid absorbtion is important to help keep the tumors from growing further. I had my RNY surgery 4/2/03, saw the endocrinologist 6/24 and my TSH levels are fine. Just don't take the synthroid with Calcium or your vitamins. The calcium is what can slow down absorbtion (this is info is on the paharmacy product info)
   — M B.

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