How do you tell you are getting dehydrated?

I am having trouble getting my water down. I have tried to flavor it with real lemons and sugar twin, tea and ice water as well a room temp. water. I have trouble as it feels like it does when I have taked "1" bite too many, (and this is without eating). I do not drink when I eat & I find it is hard to eat more that 2 oz of protein @ 1 time or more that 2-2 1/2 times per day. I do keep water with me at all times to sip but I am still only getting about 2 1/2 glasses per day.    — Carol G. (posted on September 15, 2003)

September 15, 2003
I know just what you mean about water, but I think I am doing better. Sometimes water feels uncomfortable going down and other things are just too sweet. I did find something I can tolerate a little better. I got some regular unsweetened Koolaid and added 14 packs of splenda. It is a little sweet, but kindof tart. I then added lemon slices and it is good. I also put lemon in my water as you did. I find that when i make myself drink, it is getting a little better everyday. Hopefully it will get better for both of us. Just dont give up. Keep trying.
   — sandyh

September 15, 2003
Hello. I'm not sure how to tell. I'm trying to get all my water also. I am 2 weeks post-op. How far are you? Well, before surgery I stopped drinking caffeine and started drinking Propel. My nutritionist said I can drink the Propel as water. It is much better than water and there are a few different flavors. Maybe you can try it.
   — AmyWollet

September 15, 2003
Well, you are less than one month post-op, and it's still really hard at that stage to get in all your liquids (ideally, at least 64 oz.). Within the next month or so, you will find it a lot easier to get your liquids in, as your pouch will probably heal enough to allow drinking much more easily (eating will still be tough to do in any big amount, though).<P>As far as how to tell if you're dehydrated is concerned ... in addition to thirst, of course, other signs are that , if you're dehydrated, your tongue might get lighter in color (almost white), and your pee might be relatively darker yellow (as opposed to light yellow or clear).
   — Suzy C.

September 15, 2003
I am 15 days Post op and just got of spending 6 hours in the ER for dehydration. I had the following symptoms Extreme Weakness Cotton Mouth Decresed Urination Passing Out InCoherent Blurred Vision I had 2 liters of IV given to me and I feel much better. I was told to drink Crystal Lite. I am able to get down, as I still cannot get any water down.
   — Dan W.

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